Subject: Keyboard Shortcuts Come to Stock Rover

Producer Prices, Consumer Prices, Retail Sales | View this email in your browser


Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 26,154.70 (+0.92%)

NASDAQ: 8,010.00 (+1.36%)

S&P 500: 2,905.00 (+1.16%)


Gold: 1,198.80 (+0.31%)

Copper: 268.30 (+2.31%)

Crude Oil: 68.95 (+1.77%)


Keyboard Shortcuts Come to Stock Rover


This week we would like to highlight a new feature recently added to Stock Rover V7 that is a real timesaver - Keyboard Shortcuts. With quick, simple keystrokes you can select the Table, Chart, insight Panel or All view, detach a window, resize columns to fit or save a table as an Excel spreadsheet.


Read more about Stock Rover’s new keyboard shortcuts here.



In its first decline since February 2017, wholesale inflation dropped -0.1% in August, after an upwardly revised +0.2% gain in July, with the drop bringing yearly wholesale inflation down to +2.8% from +3.3% in July. The drop in overall wholesale inflation was primarily because of a -0.1% drop in service prices, with drops for trade margins (-0.9%),   transporting passengers   (-1.9%), and transporting goods (-0.1%). Drops for food prices (-0.6%) balanced out increases for energy (+0.4%), leaving wholesale goods prices unchanged in August. Construction prices slowed from +0.4% in July to a +0.1% gain, with office buildings up +0.2% and warehouses, schools, and health care buildings each up +0.1%.


Consumer inflation rose +0.2% in August, matching July’s monthly increase, and dropping yearly inflation from +2.9% to +2.7%. Food prices were up +0.1%, energy prices were up +1.9%, and service prices, excluding energy services, were up +0.2%. Within service prices increasing costs for shelter (+0.3%), water/trash services (+0.3%), and transportation services (+0.3%) were offset by drops in prices for medical care (-0.2%). Core inflation, which strips out the volatile food and energy sectors, slowed to a +0.1% gain compared to July’s +0.2% increase, which dropped overall yearly core inflation from +2.4% to +2.2%. The largest yearly price increases for consumers were for fuel oil (+30.9%), motor fuels (+25.9%), and gasoline (+20.3%), while yearly prices dropped for audio and video products (-12.8%), toys (   -9.3%), household furnishings (-5.1%), and apparel (-1.4%).


Retail sales, seasonally adjusted but not adjusted for inflation, were revised upward for July from +0.5% to +0.7%, but sales in August rose only +0.1%, the smallest gain in the last six months. August sales dropped for automobile dealers (-0.8%), clothing retailers (-1.7%), furniture stores (-0.3%), and department stores (-1.0%), but rose at miscellaneous stores (+2.3%), gasoline stations (+1.7%), and nonstore (i.e. online) retailers (+0.7%). On a yearly basis overall sales were up +6.6%, with increasing prices helping to boost gasoline sales by +20.3%, and additional increases for online retailers (+10.4%), and restaurants (+10.1%). Yearly sales dropped for sporting goods stores (-3.9%), and department stores (-0.7%).

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday September 12 - Producer Price Index - Final Demand (PPI-FD)

Friday September 14 - Retail Sales

Earnings Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
IDW Media
Energy Services
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Go for Growth


What are the top growth stocks in the market right now? This week, our Ideas screeners take that question on. Each screener puts a slightly different spin on the growth search in order to turn up different picks. The usual suspects like FB, BABA, and NFLX often make the cut, alongside some fresh ideas as well. See if anything strikes a chord.


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