Subject: How to Limit Your Losses

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Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 21,272.00 (+0.31%)

NASDAQ: 6,207.92 (-1.55%)

S&P 500: 2,431.77 (-0.30%)


Gold: 1,269.00 (-0.87%)

Copper: 264.55 (+2.76%)

Crude Oil: 45.85 (-3.80%)




Productivity estimates for nonfarm business labor were revised upwards for Q1 from a -1.6% decline to a flat 0.0%. The revision was based on an upward revision of productivity from +1.0% to +1.7%, which had the resulting effect of lowering unit labor costs from +3.0% to +2.2%.. The downward revision in labor costs also pushed real hourly compensation down from -0.8% to -0.9%, bringing Y/Y compensation down to -0.3%.


March’s new factory orders were revised from +0.2% to +1.0%, but orders for April fell to -0.2% in the first decline after 4 months of gains. A -0.8% decline in new durable goods orders led the drop after a +2.4% March increase, with drops in nondefense aircraft (-9.1%), mining/oilfield/gas machinery (-8.3%), and electrical equipment/appliances/components (-2.0%). Orders increased for motor vehicles (+0.6%), computers (+1.6%), and non-durable goods (+0.4%), such as energy and food.


In the first increase in 9 weeks, the EIA reported that domestic crude oil supplies unexpectedly rose by +3.3 million barrels for the week ending June 2nd. Crude oil imports were up +356,000 barrels/day from the previous week, raising imports by +8.8% compared to the same four-week period last year. Motor gasoline product supplied was down -0.7% and prices increased by $0.033 compared to the same period in 2016.


Upcoming Events:

Wednesday June 14 — Retail Sales

Wednesday June 14 — FOMC Meeting Announcement



Earnings Calendar


How to Limit Your Losses


This week we feature a post by guest author Randall Bal in which he shares two strategies he's developed to limit losses for individual holdings and to minimize risk to portfolios.

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Ideas: Try Out Guru Strategies


This week our Ideas panel features screeners based on the strategies of three investing pros: James O’Shaughnessy (author of “What Works on Wall Street”), Benjamin Graham (the father of value investing), and Warren Buffett (you might have heard of him?). Enjoy!

You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

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The Piotroski High F-Score Screener


Joseph Piotroski detailed a method for deciding whether or not a stock had solid financials and if they were getting better. His system used nine criteria targeting three areas: profitability, capital structure/financial liquidity, and operating efficiency. This week's featured blog will explain the criteria used to calculate Piotroski's F-score and evaluate the screener's results.

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