Subject: Guru Portfolios Updated

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DJIA: 21,004.80 (+0.88%)

NASDAQ: 5,870.75 (+0.44%)

S&P 500: 2,383.03 (+0.66%)


Gold: 1,234.30 (-1.91%)

Copper: 270.55 (+0.95%)

Crude Oil: 53.16 (-1.54%)


A 6% increase in new transportation equipment orders, primarily for aircraft, drove a 1.8% increase in new durable goods orders for January. New orders for core capital goods, which exclude aircraft and defense orders, showed an unexpected 0.4% decrease after 3 months of increases, and a Y/Y gain of 0.5%. Overall shipments of existing orders were down slightly by 0.1%, but core capital goods shipments fell more steeply at 0.6%.

January’s trade deficit increased 7.6% to $69.2 billion, while December’s deficit was revised downwards to $64.4 billion. Imports rose 2.3% M/M and 8.9% Y/Y, with significant increases in consumer goods and automobile imports. Exports fell by 0.3% M/M, but rose 8.3% Y/Y, with exports of consumer goods falling by 4.6%.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis’ second estimate of GDP revised personal consumption expenditures (PCE) in Q4 upwards by 0.5% to 3.0%, with healthcare spending and vehicle purchases as the largest components. The PCE increase was balanced by downward revisions for business investment (from 3.1% to 1.9%) and warehouse inventories (from $48.7 billion to $46.2 billion), and an increase in the trade deficit. Overall, the advanced estimate’s values of 1.9% growth for Q4 and 1.6% growth for 2016 remained unchanged.

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Guru Portfolios Updated for Q4!


Wells Fargo, American Express, and Oracle were some of the most popular buys for the world’s most famous investors last quarter. See what else was popular with the gurus by downloading their portfolios directly into your Stock Rover account from our Library. These sample portfolios are based on the real trades made by these investors, and they include a history of past trades.

Find instructions on how to download items from the Library into your account here.

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Ideas: Try Out Guru Strategies


In keeping with the guru theme, this week our Ideas panel features screeners based on the strategies of three investing pros: James O’Shaughnessy (author of “What Works on Wall Street”), Benjamin Graham (the father of value investing), and Warren Buffett (you might have heard of him?). Enjoy!

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The Magic of the Magic Formula


The Magic Formula is a highly appealing investing strategy laid out in Joel Greenblatt’s 2005 bestseller The Little Book That Beats The Market. In this article, we introduce this “magic” strategy and the theory behind it, as well as the screener we created to follow it. Wondering what the catch is? Let’s just say that patience is a virtue!

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