Technical Analysis for the Fundamental Investor |
Technical analysis can help you identify patterns and predict future price movements. Geared toward fundamental investors who may be unfamiliar with technical methods, this webinar will introduce Stock Rover’s technicals and how they can help you enhance your stock research and trading decisions. The demo will include using charts and screening to find stocks with strong technicals, as well as industry and sector comparison. Q&A to follow. |
See what the investing gurus have been buying and selling. |
Head to the Library to import the latest versions of portfolios from the likes of Warren Buffett, David Einhorn, David Tepper, and other big shots. Sort by Creation Date to easily find the most recently updated portfolios. The portfolios even include a simplified trading history. Plus they are FREE for all users! |
The Library is in Stock Rover's toolbar, shown above. If you have older versions of the portfolios, you can overwrite them by importing the latest versions. |
Guide to Stock Rover Premium |
Don't miss out on any advantage that your membership offers.
Features such as tagging, Quant screening, Portfolio Reporting, metric packages, and research notes can help you save time, stay organized, and ultimately become a better investor!
And on the subject of Premium features... |
Portfolio Reporting, a Premium feature, is free for all users through Sunday, June 15, 2014. This means that now is the time to explore these detailed analytics with your portfolios!
Login to get started. Just click 'Portfolio Reporting' in the top left corner of the Stock Rover screen (as shown in above image).
For more on how it works, check out these links: |
How to Use Correlation to Strengthen Your Portfolio |
Since you've still got free access to our Portfolio Reporting facility through Sunday, make sure to check out the Correlation tab. Our latest blog post explains what it can do for you.
As always, thank you for your interest in investing with Stock Rover. We hope you enjoy this week's offerings!
Wishing you a productive week,
The Stock Rover Team |
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