Subject: Get to know V3.0

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Have you tried Stock Rover's new features?
Stock Rover Version 3.0 landed a couple of weeks ago. Have you...
  • Seen your portfolio's allocation chart? 
  • Looked at 10 years of data? 
  • Charted your favorite fundamentals together? 
  • Ranked a watchlist?
Right now these features (and more) are FREE—give them a try!
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Allocation pie chart
Portfolio Allocation
Get a visual on your portfolio's allocation. Find this in the Insight Panel when portfolios are in the Table.
How to do this »
10 Year button
10 Years of Data
See data from up to 10 years ago in the Chart, Insight Panel, and Table. 

Learn more »
Fundamentals Menu
Chart 100+ Metrics
Chart any of 100+ fundamentals, make a short list of your favorites, and bundle a few together.
Learn more »
5-Year Price Range
New Metrics
New columns! Operating Income per Share, Yield on Cost, & 5-Year Price metrics. 

See the full list »

Screener Criteria Tooltip
Screener Tooltips
Turn on screener tooltips, then mouseover a screener in the Navigation Panel to see its criteria.

See these tooltips »
Quant Rank Stocks
See how the stocks in your watchlists rank according to the weights in a Quant. It's just like ranking a portfolio.

Here's how it works »
Portfolio Folders
Group your portfolios into different folders. See how the different groups compare.

Organize portfolios »
And more!
—Unlimited screener results
—Money market funds
—Max drawdown
—Email preferences

See all »

We hope you enjoy these new features! You can tell us about your experience by emailing 

Thank you as always for your interest in Stock Rover. Next week we'll be resuming our regular webinar program with Introduction to Stock Rover

Wishing you a productive week,
The Stock Rover Team