Subject: Explore the Redesigned Stock Rover

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It's Our Version of Spring Cleaning...
New Website
This week we were pleased to be able to unveil Stock Rover 6.0, which offers a cleaner and more intuitive interface, as well as a brand new website design. For current users, we’ve added a shortcut login page at
See Our New Look
"The new SR format is outstanding."
See why users have raved about Stock Rover 6.0...
Quotes & Market Summary
The Table's Research Box has been replaced by the more powerful and user-friendly Quotes Box, which lives above the Navigation panel on the left side of the screen. The Market Summary was also drafted by the left-side team, where it can remain visible at all times or be collapsed.
Learn How Quotes Work
Start Menu & Updated Toolbar
We've cleaned up our toolbar and created a brand new Start Menu, which will take you straight to a range of Stock Rover tasks. Plus, the menu is customizable, so you can make it yours!
What's New in the Toolbar
New Chart
A Better Chart
In the new Chart, the primary ticker is more clearly defined, with comparison tickers listed in the "Compare" menu. Additionally, we've taken a page from our tablet and phone apps and made it easier than ever to set a ticker as a baseline simply by clicking on its name in the legend. Try it for yourself!
See All Chart Improvements
New Tours & Plenty More

We've added a whole new Premium feature called Portfolio Rebalancing, updated our ticker info tooltip (see the new version at left), made the left panel collapsible, and more.

Take a product tour by going to Help > Tour (or Premium Tour) in the top righthand corner.

See All 6.0 Changes
We truly hope you enjoy the redesigned product and website. Let us know what you think at

Wishing you a productive week,

The Stock Rover Team

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