Subject: Amazon Out of Balance, Guru Portfolios, and More

Amazon: Out of Balance

Erica Reisman wades through Amazon's financials.

At this point, anyone that’s interested in Amazon has heard about their extremely disappointing Q3 2014 results, in which they saw negative earnings of 95 per share in the three months ending September 30th, and negative 99¢ for the preceding nine months.

Shareholders were not happy, and the stock price lost a little over 8% in one day after the report was released. This was just another lurch downwards in the overall YTD return of -23.8%. The bulls are saying that Amazon is in an investment cycle, but the bears aren’t buying it (literally.) Read more...
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The American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) recently named Stock Rover the Editors’ Choice for Fundamental Stock Data in its Computerized Investing ‘Best of the Web’ series.

Writes AAII: “The wide range of information available makes hard to compete with, along with the extensive customization opportunities the site provides for its users—even those using the site for free.” Read the full article here.

When to Sell
Webinar Recording: When to Sell

If you missed Wednesday's webinar When to Sell, you can catch the recording of it at your convenience. The webinar reviews how you can evaluate your portfolio in Stock Rover to determine if it's time to part ways with any of your holdings.

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