Subject: A Tour of Stock Rover's Screeners

A Tour of Stock Rover's Screeners | View this email in your browser


Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 23,185.60 (-10.36%)

NASDAQ: 7,874.00 (-8.18%)

S&P 500: 2,711.02 (-8.79%)


Gold: 1,510.40 (-9.69%)

Copper: 247.85 (-3.20%)

Crude Oil: 31.88 (-22.77%)


A Tour of Stock Rover's Screeners


Stock Rover stock screening was recently named Best of the Web by the American Association of Individual Investors. We have written a blog post that describes each of the 14 stock screeners that Stock Rover provides automatically in your account. The blog post also covers additional key screeners from the over 100 screeners available in our Investor’s Library. Learn more about our screeners here.



In order to address disruptions to the Treasury financing markets associated with the coronavirus outbreak, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced that it would provide $1.5 trillion on March 12th and 13th in the form of 3-month and 1-month securities. An additional $500 billion would be offered on Monday, with $1 trillion/week being offered as the program continues, and loans being paid back after their 1 or 3 month term. The announcement also outlined the broadening of the Federal Reserve’s ongoing $60 billion repurchase program across a wider range of Treasury security maturities.


Consumer prices increased +0.1% in February, and were up +2.3% for the year. The monthly increase was led by food prices, which were up +0.4% in their largest monthly increase since May 2014, and shelter prices which were up +0.3%. The food and shelter cost increases were offset by a -2.0% drop in energy prices. Core consumer prices, excluding both food and energy, were up +0.2% for the month and +2.4% for the year. On a yearly basis, core index prices dropped for used vehicles (-1.3%), and apparel (-0.9%), but rose sharply for medical care services (+5.3%), shelter (+3.3%), and medical commodities (+1.8%).


After increases of +0.2% in December and +0.5% in January, producer prices fell -0.6% in February, dropping to a +1.3% yearly increase from January’s +2.1% yearly rate. Goods prices were down -0.9%, and more than 60% of their monthly decline was due to a -3.6% drop in energy prices, which was itself due to a -6.5% drop in gasoline prices. Service prices were down -0.3%, and most of that was due to a -0.7% drop in trade services, which measure the margins received by wholesalers and retailers.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday March 17 - Retail Sales

Tuesday March 17 - Job Openings

Earnings Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Rover's Investment Inspiration


In light of recent market volatiilty, this week we'll be looking for stocks that are performing well and are considered lower risks with screeners for safe performers, a healthy balance sheet and safe dividend growth.


You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

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