Subject: Last 2 Passive Income Lessons

Ok, so here we are at the final 2 course lessons from my bud Paul Nichols. I really appreciate him giving me permission to share his Passive Income Machine method with you.

In these next 2 lessons Paul will talk about pricing for your new membership site. The idea is that you want to charge customers the right price for the valuable content that you deliver.

He also will be showing you the best ways to get traffic to your membership site. If you want members you gotta have the right traffic methods. Paul will show you the very best way.

Check out the lessons below:

I hope you enjoyed this course and you got some value from it. If you like getting these lessons, please let me know with a quick reply to this email.

I will be posting more content like this soon so stay tuned,

Talk to you soon,

Steven Howell

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