Subject: (Important!) I Don't Want You to Miss This One

Hey, I hope I got this to you in time!..

I just got a notice from one of my Affiliate Mentors John, that he will be doing a Training Webinar tonight.

Usually these are only accessed by his students, but I have been given special permission to allow you to sign up.

Took me some talking to get this access, so please take advantage of this special training you are given.

Training Webinar Access

This is the type of training that change my life. I want it to give you the knowledge so that it can change yours.

Hurry, I am hoping I wasn't to late to get you this.

If I got you this in time and you were able to access the training, please reply to this message and let me know, so I can not stress about it.

Talk to you soon,

Steven Howell

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