Subject: I Know How You Might Feel😌

I've done a lot of thinking lately. Reflecting on my journey as an online business owner. Not that long ago I had no clue, how to start a business online. Much less, a profitable one.

At the time I was working at a grocery store, that did nothing but put me in a constant depression.

Just thinking about the nonstop backbreaking work and negative management I had to deal with, just makes me cringe.

I was at a point and my life where I knew something had to change and quick. I didn't know how long I was going to be able to hold on to my sanity working the way I was.

Plus the money I made was ok but I was at the topped out point, so I wasn't going to make any more than I was. Which really sucked because I was barely making it, living paycheck to paycheck.

I couldn't live this way anymore, I knew I needed to take action.

I had always wanted to start something online, so I began to look into it. I learned a little about drop-shipping, so I tried my hand at that. I gave it a go, but let's just say I got no where.

I researched more. Watched videos on making money online, and eventually I got interest in affiliate marketing.

I tried to learn everything I could about this business model. Bought courses, Read eBooks, and spent tons of money buying products that promised to bring in thousands in commissions daily.

Nothing really worked. I mean I learnt a lot of the basic premise of affiliate marketing, but I still didn't know what I was doing. Basically I was just throwing money away by continuously going after the next big product that promised to make me a Super Affiliate.

I was as they say "Spinning My Wheels" and getting nowhere.

I was at the point of giving up. When I took one last shot and looked into finding an affiliate coach. I didn't know it yet but I stumbled upon one the best coaches that could possibly get.

Within a month he literally had me on the right path to actually starting a successful website. I was learning things about this business that I had no idea about. I was doing it. I was actually doing it. All the pieces were coming together.

Just when I thought he had taught me everything, he gave me info about the best affiliate training platform. As I came to find out, it just so happened that he was one of the teachers on this community platform.

Thing was, I didn't realize it ,but I had already had an account on this platform and didn't know it. It was one of those things where I signed up years ago and totally forgot because I was to busy running after the get rich now products.

Anyways, my coach led me back into this site and I gotta say I should have done it sooner. I learned so much from this community. I did the courses, watched the classes, asked questions, and absorbed every bit of knowledge I could.

Of course my coach showed me all the tricks and how to implement them, but this training platform really was something that took me (a beginner) and showed me the right way to start a profitable business.

Now I am the happiest I have ever been in life. I am in control of my financial future and the proud owner of Branch Out Life.

Sorry I'm not trying to boast or brag. I guess what I'm trying to get at is,

I Know What You May Be Going Through, Trying to Make Money Online.

I wanted to give you my personal story and show you that I was where you might be right now.

And the only light that led me out of the dark slump I was in was Wealthy Affiliate.

It truly is a Training Platform that teaches the exact steps and skills you would need to start a Profitable affiliate marketing business.

It is always the #1 recommendation I have for anyone spinning their wheels trying to make things work.

Sorry for the long email. I had to share my thoughts lol

Anyways I hope I didn't bore you.

If you have any questions on affiliate marketing or need recommendations, feel free to reply to this email.

-Steven Howell-

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