Hi Friend,
Building a great team is a complex endeavor. It’s not as simple as collecting the right skill sets—the human element is actually a more critical factor in long-term performance. If you had the opportunity to start a new team and select anyone to be on it, who would you pick? Assuming the people you could choose have the right skills for the work to be done, what other factors would you use to select your team members?
Who is the Ideal Team Player?
This person possesses adequate measures of humility, hunger, and people smarts. They have little ego when it comes to needing attention or credit for their contributions, and they are comfortable sharing their accolades or even occasionally mission out on them. They work with a sense of energy, passion, and personal responsibility, taking on whatever they possibly can for he good for the team. Finally, they say and do the right things to help teammates feel appreciated, understood, and included, even when difficult situations arise that require tough love.
Humble Ideal team players are humble. They lack excessive ego or concerns about status. Humble people are quick to point out the contributions of others and slow to seek attention for their own. They share credit, emphasize team over self and define success collectively rather than individually.
Hungry Ideal team players are hungry. They are always looking for more. More things to do. More to learn. More responsibility to take on. Hungry people almost never have to be pushed by a manager to work harder because they are self-motivated and diligent. They are constantly thinking about the next step and the next opportunity.
Smart Ideal team players are smart. They have common sense about people. Smart people tend to know what is happening in a group situation and how to deal with others in the most effective way. They have good judgment and intuition around the subtleties of group dynamics and the impact of their words and actions. |