Subject: - First Coding Interview


Just a quick update: our servers are being upgraded today, so we might see some interuption for 30 minutes or so.

First Coding Interview - what happened?

I got this email recently, where a student describes his first coding job interview. I thought it was worth sharing:

"Well it happened. Had my first dev interview today. Man. Was not expecting 3 people all there to interview me on a zoom call. 

Apparently whoever recently quit was a pain to work with, and they wanted to make sure I wasn't going to go into a rage when they applied a lot of pressure. 

Several times in the interview they asked sort of weird logical/mathematical questions just to see if I would get irritated. 

Honestly after 70 minutes of asking me about all kinds of concepts about a wide variety of languages that they knew I hadn't learned, I was pretty tempted to get irritated. Kept my cool. Made sure to ask them some questions in response. 

Really just happy to have gotten that first interview out of the way with a good company. 

I know the economy is weird, at least in my city, so not a lot of Jr Dev opportunities right now. Took 3 months to land that one interview. Won't hear back for 1-2 weeks, if I somehow do get it, I might write an article about it because there were so many interesting/weird things about the whole experience."

I hope you found the above useful.

Thanks for reading!


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