As I was driving the car today, I was thinking how the biggest challenges in my life all seemed to be blessings in disguise.
Growing up with an addicted mom, being told at 32 years old that I had a stage 4 skin cancer, almost going bankrupt last year, ...
Each of those challenges were an opportunity for me to grow, to go beyond my weaknesses, to realize that the power to change, the power to make an impact with my life could only come from me.
Those challenges made me realize how precious life is and how I did not want to waste my life.
I would not be writing this message to you right now if I would have had a life without any challenges.
What is your challenges telling you, are you living the same situation over and over again?
Then I would invite you to look for the lesson in every challenge you meet, see how you can overcome certain fears, certain limiting beliefs when you are challenged.
And remember the bigger the trial the bigger the opportunity for rapid growth...
As always loving you, Barbara.