Good morning :)
I hope you are doing well!!
I have an important question for you: Are you working on a Goal level only in your life or also on a Soul level when you are setting your goals?
And what do I mean exactly with that question?
If you are working on a Goal level only, you are setting goals, which is a very good thing, but chances are that your goals are not entirely aligned with your soul's purpose.
In case your goals and your soul's purpose are not in alignment, you can set goals all you want, you will struggle to reach those goals.
If you are working on a Soul level also, you are aligned with your true purpose.
There are different ways to know your soul's purpose: 1. JOY is one of the most important things your soul wants for you, joy opens your energy flow, joy opens your heart, joy makes your vibrations higher, joy is the source of your expansion. So if your goals give you joy, you are on the right track!!! 2. PASSION, do you feel passionate about your goals, do they inspire you, do you make dreams come true you had already as a child? This is another sign that you are on the right track :) 3. LOVE, your goals must come from your heart and not from your head. Your head can follow your heart and is a useful instrument to help you reach your goals, but it all starts in the heart <3
I hope you found this helpful to set your goals.
I wish you an amazing and wonderful day!!! Sending you love, Barbara.