One of my biggest lessons this year was to continuously expand my awareness.
Expand my awareness in such a way that I could detach myself from the 'struggling' Barbara. You could also call this the 'small' Barbara.
Through several ways of training my mind, I could clearly see that the Barbara with her daily thoughts and worries was not who I really am.
I am so much larger and expanded than her. There is a divine part that is present in all of us, connected to all that is, that often gets buried under the daily occupancies.
When we can, step by step, observe what the mind is doing, processing thoughts, labeling events and feelings, we are no longer subject to the incessant flood of thoughts. We don't have to believe these thoughts and can question them.
At the same time taking distance from our thoughts, allows us to create much more space for what is really important: being in the flow of life, connecting with this source of unconditional love, the basis of our existence.
It is tied to a deep knowing, a knowing that you are valuable no matter what, a knowing that you are innocent no matter what, a knowing that you are beautiful no matter what...
This deep understanding is essential to deep and fulfilled success, no visualization, no affirmation, no mission statement, no goal setting will work fully and no success will be complete and profound without this deep self-appreciation without a reverence for life itself without enjoying the dance of life without the surrender to your purpose...
As always, sending you love and light... Barbara.
PS. my program is designed especially to help you find deep fulfillment in your life, you can check it out here :)