As I was driving the kids to school this morning, I was stunned by the beauty of nature.
And although the morning had been hectic, the youngest didn't find his gym t-shirt, the cats hadn't been fed yet, one of my daughters didn't find her phone (complete disaster for a teenager!!), my mood changed completely while driving along the beautiful scenery.
I felt my heart open literally while appreciating all this beauty, the trees turning yellow and red, the mist hanging over the fields, the warm orange color of the sunrise, ...
I drew the attention from the kids (looking on their phones, discussing school stuff, ...) to this immense beauty, and at the same time I told them how much I love them, and they replied immediately how much they love me, the atmosphere in the car really changed from hurry-hurry to loving and peaceful.
And this may not be spectacular, but it starts there, in the perception how we can change every moment from a stressful moment to a peaceful moment.
Since we were late, I couldn't take a picture immediately from the scenery but after I dropped the kids at school, I drove back to take a picture to share with you :)