My dear, dear friend,
Perfectionism is something I have been struggling with all my life. Wanting to be the perfect mom, the perfect wife, the perfect business owner, the perfect spiritual person, ...
All that ever did to my life was putting pressure on myself.
I came to understand that under perfectionism there is very often a feeling of 'not being good enough'.
So yesterday, I was talking to a good friend and she asked me what I was up to lately and I told her that I was training myself in IMperfectionism. In being ok that I make mistakes sometimes as a mom, as a business woman, as a human being...
Embracing that imperfection relieves us from so much pressure and paradoxically enough enables us to go through life with lots more grace and ease.
Accepting yourself completely, makes you so much more self-confident and powerful since you are not afraid anymore, not afraid of making mistakes, not afraid of making the wrong decisions, not afraid of what people might say, not afraid of your own judgments, just being ok with yourself, embracing yourself completely...
So I wanted to remind you today, you are perfect in all your imperfections.
As always loving you,
Barbara. |