I hope you enjoyed your weekend :)
At our house, things have been very busy again. Some friends of my oldest came for a sleepover on Saturday night and we were 9 at the breakfast table on Sunday morning! But it was a pleasure to have all those young people in the house :)
Some news on my dad, he is doing better but the recovery is going very slow, it is nice though to see how well my parents take care of each other. It is really heartwarming.
Being a person who reflects very often, this is a time in my life where there is little space to take some time for myself and look at the broader perspective of my life. But each morning I do take some moments to set the intention of the day and to connect with my deeper self and at the end of the day, I am grateful for all that went well for that day...
And when I am driving the car, or have some moments alone, I raise my awareness on my thoughts, on how they often trick me, on how my thoughts are shaped by what I heard in my past and I try to detach from these thoughts. It is so easy to get caught up in our thoughts. Being able to see your thoughts is a very big step in having more peace of mind. You are not your thoughts.
At the same time, it is very important to be aware on how you talk to yourself. Very often we are our own worst critic.
Last Friday in my Facebook live, I talked about focusing on positive thoughts and talking in a positive way to yourself.
You can watch what I shared during my Facebook Live on this subject by clicking here.
Enjoy the rest of the day!!
Lots of love, Barbara.
PS: There's nothing more powerful and life changing than claiming your own greatness. I do believe you can live the life of your dreams starting today....