Subject: Are you lonely?


It's Barbara. 

Every day I get messages from people telling me they feel lonely, very lonely.

Lots of people on this planet feel lonely.

Feeling lonely is often a sign of being disconnected. And has nothing to do with being alone.

I love to be alone, every day I need at least one hour to be alone, it makes me recharge my batteries, helps me to put things in perspective and detach from the hectic of the day.

Taking some time alone is essential to raise your energy. Throughout the day we get many influences which lower our energy very often. Taking some time alone to meditate, pray, read, listen to some soft music, helps us to connect with the divine spark within us.

When we are able to connect with that beautiful and loving place within ourselves it is impossible to be lonely, for this place is full of love and light.

When we focus too much on the outside, seeking for happiness, love and approval from the outside we come dependent from our outside circumstances for our happiness. When you become a master of your life, you know that the source of your happiness lies within you.

And that is what I talked about in my Facebook live. You can click here to watch.

Find some time every day to go within, to let go of the hectic and craziness of the world and find that quiet place within you. It will raise your energy, make you shine in the world, others will notice it and want to connect with you.

Loving you,

Barbara Vercruysse Empowerment & Kindness Institute, Stijn Streuvelslaan 4, 8580, Avelgem, Belgium
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