Subject: A must read...

As you know, I’ve been through my own cancer journey, with stage-4 Melanoma, and am blessed to be on this side of things. 

My dear friend Dara, went through her own journey with the Big “C” over three years ago and has written a beautiful book, Crush Cancer. She says it’s the book she needed when she heard those terrifying words, “You have cancer.” 

It’s a must read for any cancer survivor, anyone going through cancer, caregivers, friends and family members of someone who has been diagnosed with cancer.

I know this book will change the way you view cancer, and make a huge difference to people who have been through it. 

Sending you love,
Barbara Vercruysse Empowerment & Kindness Institute, Stijn Streuvelslaan 4, 8580, Avelgem, Belgium
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