Subject: 5 Tips to Kickstart your Dreamlife :)

Hi :)

I hope you are enjoying this Friday!!

As you know, I am really passionate about helping you to create the life you always dreamed of.

These are some some tips I give to my private coaching clients to get started:

Write down how an ideal day looks like for you. Don't be realistic, just dream and dream BIG. Write down what you would be doing, where you would be living with whom, and what your contribution to the world would be. Read it every morning with passion.

State some powerful affirmations to boost your self-confidence at the beginning of the day. Even if it sounds odd in the beginning, just continue until you believe what you are stating.

Go through your day with an attitude of gratitude. You can start your day writing in a gratitude journal, writing down what you are grateful for and end your day in the same way. Gratitude sets you on the right track to attract more abundance.

Train yourself in controlling your mind, every time you feel overwhelmed, turn your attention to your breath and let go of your thoughts. Don't fight them, just let them go... Worrying is the essential block in your energy frequency to be really abundant.

Your being radiates certain vibrations, those vibrations attract similar experiences. Letting go of your worries and anxieties, surrendering to a higher power raise your vibrations and these higher vibrations will provide you more opportunities, give you new ideas. Just open up to what the Universe has to offer you.

If you insert this in your daily routine, your life will begin to shift very quickly!!!

If starting a new business is part of your big dream, then I am very happy to give you another opportunity to watch the Livecast from Anik Singal.

I don't know if you were able to attend the webinar from Anik Singal last Thursday. So if you didn't, I really don't want you to miss this unique opportunity he is giving.

He told me it was the absolute best Live Workshop he’s done this year!

The attendees got to see the amazing software that builds your online business in 60 minutes or less!

It was really impressive.

If you missed this awesome first workshop…

Anik is doing a Special Encore.

In fact, to accommodate the large crowds, he’ll do FOUR!

They are all this Saturday.

It’s easy — Just Open This URL and Choose the Time That Fits Your Schedule

Even if you have no tech skills or experience, you CAN have an Email marketing business in as little as 60 minutes or so.

==> Save Your No-Cost Seat Now for this Exclusive Encore — Saturday, April 30th — Choose the Time That Works Best For You

I am so excited to be part of this big adventure to make your life a masterpiece and to help you share your gift with the world!!!!

Sending you love,

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Barbara Vercruysse Empowerment & Kindness Institute, Stijn Streuvelslaan 4, 8580, Avelgem, Belgium
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