What's happening in 2022 alongside latest news, events and policy updates from Staf |
Dear Friend, Welcome to the first Staf newsletter of 2022. I don’t know about you but it’s been a month that has whizzed by. It’s also been a time for us to plan the year ahead which we look forward to sharing with you. Whilst we reflect on what’s coming up, we’d also like to find out what our members have made of the last year. If you belong to a member organisation, we would really appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete our annual survey. There’s a chance to win a £50 voucher of your choice if you do, plus your feedback will really help to inform how we can make the membership the best it can be. If you’re not a member you can find out more about the many benefits of joining here. We are all beginning to experience the #costoflivingcrisis with inflation rising at exponential rates and energy prices booming. However, we know that for those leaving care, many will feel this even more acutely. The sheer volume of applicants for our Young Funder’s Grant, and the basic necessities being asked for, was testament to the financial need currently being experienced by young people with care experience. We will be contacting the successful applicants for the grant by the end of February, but the money can only go so far which is why we’ve signposted alternative funding options for those in need here. Our work to champion and improve the outcomes of care leavers can be heard at our Staf Summit in March, where we will be looking at how we can secure the financial wellbeing of care leavers. With a keynote address from the Minister for Children and Young People, Clare Haughey, and contributions from the leaders of Wellbeing Economy Scotland, RSA Scotland and Aberlour, along with care leavers themselves it will be a very timely and important discussion. Sign up today to find out what we can all do to ensure care leavers are not transitioning from care to poverty. This month we are establishing a working group to support our systemic review of our approach to being trauma informed and we are hoping to have 2 member representatives to join us in this. It will be short-life working group running from February through to June. If you would like to know more about potentially being involved, please do get in touch ( jo@staf.scot) and we can talk through some more. Finally, next month we will be marking #CareDay22 (18 Feb) by celebrating our three care-experienced led projects; Project Return, The Real Toolkit and Youth Justice Voices, the funding for which come to an end this month and sharing our plans for the next part in the lives of these important initiatives. We also have some exciting recruitment opportunities to reveal so make sure you follow us on Twitter to be the first to find out! Until then, we hope you keep well and look forward to a year of putting care leavers and the workforce who support them, front and centre of everything we do. Best wishes, Jo Derrick
Staf CEO
Staf Projects
Youth Justice Voices
Thank you Life Changes Trust Since we began in 2019, Youth Justice Voices has been funded by Life Changes Trust, to help us amplify the voices of young people in the care and justice systems, and support workforce development. As this funding comes to an end, we would like to reflect on the many wonderful opportunities it has given us. Life Changes Trust have consistently championed us in developing creative approaches to supporting care and justice experienced young people to lead the way in sharing experiences and influencing real change - whilst placing relationships at the heart of everything we do. The funding has enabled us to work in creative and flexible ways throughout the pandemic, helping us to meet the needs and aspirations of our young people despite the challenges presented by restrictions. This has included funding activities, care packages, data and devices to make sure we stay connected and beat boredom and isolation. It has also allowed us to ensure our activities are meaningful, impactful but also fun, which has been extremely important during these difficult times. We would like to thank Life Changes Trust for their funding, support and kindness during the last three years. Without this, Youth Justice Voices would not be what it is today. We have some exciting news to announce in the next newsletter about what is next for Youth Justice Voices so watch this space. Both Youth Just Us and Inside Out are still going strong and we intend to reach more children and young people in 2022 and beyond. Inside Out in Polmont are about to publish their first newsletter for their peers in Polmont as well as sharing their views in the Scottish Government’s consultation on the use of bail, remand and release in Scotland. Youth Just Us are currently working on a brand new video and a series of blogs where we will share some of our achievements and learning from the last 3 years. We are also looking forward to a celebratory meal now the restrictions are easing. Youth Just Us recently met with Dr Claire Lightowler the former Director of CYCJ to ensure that care and justice experienced young people have informed the annual Kilbrandon Lecture. We look forward to the lecture where attendess will also hear our response on Claire’s lecture and call for action. Finally, we are delighted to share CYCJ's new website Just the Right Space, an accessible site for everyone to bettwe understand the justice system which Youth Just Us helped co-produce.
Project Return
Project Return are currently sorting through the Young Funders Applications, lots of which have been received! These were grants, designed and distributed by young people, to be given to care-experienced young people to allow them to pursue new passions and hobbies. All applicants will be contacted at the end of February to let them know if their application has
The Real Toolkit
The funding for The REAL Toolkit as seen here is also coming to an end and we are incredibly grateful for all the support provided by Esmée Fairbarn Foundation.
We are currently working on some exciting new opportunities for young people with care experience and the workforce focusing which we will be announcing soon!
You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with our progress. Scottish Care Leavers Forum Steering Group The Care Leavers Forum are raring to go and are moving to weekly meetings as there's so much to discuss! If you know of any young people with care experience who would like to be involved please email katrina@staf.scot |
Staf Policy and Practice
Ministerial Debate on Whole Family Support This month we were pleased to see cross party support for Whole Family Support, the £500m fund from the Scottish Government focusing on keeping children out of the care system. It was encouraging to hear an acknowledgement that one size fits all solutions are a thing of the past and that each family/individual is unique, with holistic support required. We also heard about the importance of relationships to all children and young people and have their voices at the heart of anything the Government does.
The Promise have compiled this really useful Twitter thread picking out the key statements, or you can watch the full debate. |
Free Bus Travel for Under 22s - Guidance for Young People with Care Experience The Scottish Government's Free Bus Travel Scheme for Under 22s comes into force next week. The application for the National Entitlement Card however is not straightforward and specific guidance has been issued for those who support young people with care experience.
We are aware that some concerns have been raised about issues around proof of identity for some young people. These have been raised with Young Scot and the Government and we will update any guidance as and when we receive it on our website. |
Young Funder's Grant - Update and Useful Links Thank you to everyone who supported a young person to complete the Young Funder's Grant application. We were inundated with forms and our team of young people with care experience are currently going through them. Unfortunately, given the sheer volume of applications we won't be able to fund them all, however we have highlighted additional funding pools available to young people which may help.
Staf Membership Survey Here at Staf we value our member's views on how we are operating and supporting them to delivery the best for care leavers. If you are part of a member organisation then we'd love to hear from you by completing our annual member's survey. It should take no more than 10 minutes (promise) and you could win a £50 voucher of your choice by taking part. Thank you!
Consultations of Interest The following government consultation is open and likely to be of interest:
Prevention of Homelessness Duties: Deadline 7 Feb 2022
This consultation offers the chance to give views on how the government can improve practice around joint working on prevention through legislative change to ensure consistency of delivery across Scotland, while recognising local circumstances and decision making alongside understanding how new duties would change organisational practice, and what the resource implications of that may be.
Bail and Release From Custody Arrangements: Deadline 7 Feb 2022
The consultation seeks views on the use of remand and arrangements around release from custody and how it should be used now and in the future.
Consultation Response Registers of child welfare reporters, curators ad litem and solicitors appointed when an individual is prohibited from conducting their own case: consultation analysis: Published 13 Jan 2022
The response to the above consultation has been published. Key findings included - Ensuring interests of the child paramount at all times
- Calls for accountability, scrutiny and transparency when it comes to appointments, fees and complaints procedure.
- Importance of ensuring reporters are skilled and experienced with appropriate training and suitably appointed.
- Need to ensure training is upheld and skills refreshed.
- Fees to be concordant with amount of work undertaken.
- Body which appoints reporters to be independent, impartial, consistent, accountable and objective.
Staf Events Our calendar of events for 2022 is now live, including focus groups which are free for Staf members, webinars and conferences for you to learn from and give you an opportunity to connect with your peers and young care leavers.
Staf Summit 2022 Wednesday 9th March 2022
It's the last chance to get your discounted ticket for the Staf Summit 2022 which will be looking at securing the financial wellbeing of care leavers. Early bird booking is available until the 28th January.
We are delighted to announce our line up of speakers for the event
- Keynote address: Claire Haughey MSP, Minister for Children and Young People
- Jimmy Paul, Director Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland 'What a wellbeing economy could look like for care leavers.
- Jamie Cook, Head of RSA Scotland – ‘Minimum Income Guarantee for Care Leavers as a solution to poverty’
- • SallyAnn Kelly, CEO Aberlour ‘Reflections on securing the financial wellbeing for care leavers; enabling a different path'
We have more speakers to be announced so watch this space!
Implications of Continuing Care Focus Group Tuesday 8th February 10am - 12pm (Teams)
Meeting since 2014, the Implications of Continuing Care focus group offers a safe place to discuss issues and practice arising from Part 11 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. The recent work of this group has discussed commissioning placements, fostering fees and payments and shared good practice from across Scotland.
Supported Lodgings, Supported Carers Focus Group Tuesday 8th February 2pm - 4pm (Teams)
The Supported Lodgings, Supported Carers focus group provides a supportive forum to share good practice, local and national developments, and discuss issues around Care Inspectorate inspections.
Following our last Supported Lodgings/Supported Carers meeting where we discussed having a more standardised approach to SC/SL at this session we will be focusing on issues surrounding supervision alongside practice sharing and discussing further the idea of a Supported Carers week to help amplify the key role they play in the life of Care Leavers.
Local Authority Manager's Forum Wednesday 23rd March, 10am - 12pm (Teams)
This event has been created exclusively for local authority members to give you space to discuss the issues that matter to you, given your unique statutory responsibility in delivering service for care leavers.
Care Leavers Into Employment Focus Group Thursday 24th March, 10am - 12pm (Teams)
Our Care Leavers into Employment focus group tackles the issues faced by young people in both accessing and sustaining employment. This group brings together workers from across the public and third sector to discuss and dissect current practice issues.
The Real Toolkit Virtual Tours
The Real Toolkit is ready to and waiting for you to discover. If you'd like us to talk you through this exciting new resource for care leavers and the workforce then email therealtoolkit@staf.scot and we can arrange a time to tell you all about it! |
Member of the Month: Children's Hearings ScotlandChildren's Hearings Scotland (CHS) recruits, trains and supports around 3,000 volunteers across Scotland. Their volunteer roles are Panel Members and Area Support Team (AST) members. Panel Members make legal decisions with and for children and young people in children’s hearings, and AST members provide support and guidance to those Panel Members locally.
CHS are currently looking to recruit 700 new volunteers so if you or someone you know has some time to make a real difference to the lives of children and young people in Scotland, to ensure they are loved, cared for and respected, sign up today. |
If you would like to be featured in our Member of the Month section please email marion@staf.scot |
Current Vacancies
Board Treasurer: Deadline extended Do you have financial experience you want to put to good use? Do you have a day a month to help Staf achieve it's vision? Would you like to be part of a passionate and enthusiastic Board who care deeply about the outcomes for care leavers? Then you may just the person we are looking for.
What #WeLove this month... 💜 John Lewis have announced plans to support care leavers access employment with the company.
💜 Life Changes Trust are holding a Learning and Legacy event as their Care Experienced Funding work comes to an end and exciting news will be revealed about what happens next.
💜Project Change is turning 2! Join them to celebrate the achievements and hear what's coming next.
💜Do you know a young person who went above and beyond this last year? Why not nominate them for a Young Scot Award before deadline of 13 Feb?
Want to find out more about Staf events, projects, membership and training opportunities? |
We would love to hear from you. Get in contact via email on info@staf.scot or through our social media channels linked below. |