I hope you are well.We are inviting you to participate in the Moving On consultation with Scottish government representatives from the Care Experience and Whole Family Wellbeing Division. We would like to share some of Staf's current work and hear from you on key issues such as continuing care, aftercare, housing, health and wellbeing, and education.
This session will build on the existing evidence base in Scotland and provide an opportunity to explore key issues in more depth. This engagement session will focus on: The good practice already happening and having a positive impact on young people leaving care. What is missing in our offer of support for young people leaving care. The potential solutions to the issues and challenges facing delivery partners and young people leaving care The best way to deliver the required changes, as highlighted in The Promise.
Date: 17 | 09 | 24 Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm Location: Teams
If you are interested in participating in this conversation, please RSVP to this email by the 16th of September.
Best regards, Jo Derick Staf CEO |