National Leadership Network (NLN) which Staf are lead hosts of alongside our partners at CYCJ, Columba 1400, Resilience Learning Partnership and Who Cares? Scotland.
#TeamNLN gathering
This month four members of the Steering Group, three of the Consultants, six staff connected to the host organisations and the two full time NLN staff met in Glasgow to reflect on the year, consider priorities for 2024 and celebrate what has happened in 2023. Co-produced by the Steering Group and Consultants the day was a great way to connect in person and talk openly and freely about all matter NLN! Information from the day will be collated and shape the direction of travel for next year.
Steering Group
The Steering Group have been busy since approving this year’s funding applications last month. Three members have been involved in two developing subgroups which focus on evaluation and funding with representatives from the host organisations. Five of the group are involved in the current recruitment for more Steering Group members and four members came to the gathering in Glasgow this month mentioned above,
The consultants met up this month to share what they have all been working on. One of the Consultants shared a Code of Conduct they had been working on for the developing volunteer strategy.
Cutting Aboot - NLN’s Active Travel Project
Cutting Aboot hosted its official launch in December which was well attended by NLN consultants, Steering group members, partners, and some friends online. Click here to register your interest in being part of the research project.
NLN Website
#TeamNLN were delighted to launch our new website this month. This can be found at:
On the day it was launched it was visited over 200 times so thank you to everyone who had a look, shared a relevant post on social media, etc.
Partnership working
Language project: Partnership working continues with our friends from Each and Every Child and Our Hearings Our Voices. Discussions are taking place around how to share the information gathered from the recent residential. A sharing event with invited guests will take place early next year.
Life Changes Trust (LCT) legacy work:
NLN staff continue to support LCT legacy work being led by Dawn from Staf, which focuses on an online channel/platform and an Open University course. Recently the steering group supporting the online channel work took part in a branding session led by the Third Sector Lab.
Participation Network:
NLN staff continue to support Staf with the Participation Network and are working behind the scenes on the fist event of 2024 which will have the theme of power. Click here to book and to find out more.
As always this is a bit of snapshot of some of the things #teamNLN are working on. If you would like more information on anything mentioned here, please contact