Subject: #KeepingThePromise: Trauma informed action plan workshops

Free to Staf members!

Join us in person, at a location near you, as we share the lessons learned from our trauma informed internal assessment whilst providing time to start to think about developing your very own trauma informed action plan.

Being trauma informed is a key element of The Promise and as an organisation we have been hosting several trauma informed learning events for our members and the wider social care sector over the years. But are we really practicing what we preach?

Thanks to Promise Partnership funding, over the last 12 months we have been working with psychologist Eva Roussou to carry out an internal review of our trauma informed approaches, holding a mirror up to ourselves to see how trauma informed we actually are, before sharing our learning and recommendations with the sector.We are now ready to share this journey with you.

Suitable for those who have a solid understanding of their organisation and with the capacity to take things forward, at this four-hour event, hosted by Eva and our CEO Jo Derrick, we will

  • Share our journey; what we have learned, what’s worked well and what we could improve

  • Present our action plan and the views of those involved

  • Support you to start your own action plan to make tangible, practical steps to becoming a more trauma informed organisation

  • Improve your readiness to meet the pledges of The Promise
    Tuesday 21st March 10.30am - 2.30pm (Glasgow, The Studio) - fully booked
    Wednesday 22nd March 10.30am - 2.30pm (Dundee, Discovery Point)
    Thursday 23rd March 10.30am - 2.30pm (Stirling, Stirling Highland Hotel) best availability
    Friday 24th March 10.30am - 2.30pm (Edinburgh, The Scotsman Hotel)

    We look forward to seeing you there!