Subject: Honouring the memory of a dear friend and voice of change

Staf January newsletter: The latest news, updates and opportunities for care leavers and the workforce.

Dear Friend

I’d like to start this month’s newsletter with our tribute to Bella McOuat who very sadly died on the 1st January. Bella, who some of you may recall spoke so passionately at our National Conference in November, was a rising star in the youth justice realm. Thanks to the support of Ruth, Kev and members of Youth Just Us she used her experiences to fight for change and I know that the team will ensure that her drive continues through them. You can read our full tribute to Bella here.  

Thanks to people like Bella, the work of Youth Justice Voices will go from strength to strength and we are delighted to share that Chris Kelly has joined us this month as Youth Justice Participation Worker. Chris will be focusing on moving the work of Youth Justice Voices out of the central belt and into the Aberdeen area. If you know any care and justice experienced young people in that part of the world then we’d love you and them to join us at our info session on Thursday 16th February. Find out more about this great, free event here.  
As one Chris joins, another Chris (Walsh) sadly is leaving Staf for a new exciting opportunity with Falkirk Council. Chris has been a passionate and engaging member of the team since he joined us as our Throughcare and Aftercare Workforce lead last year and we wish him all the success in his new role which I’m sure will mean that our paths will continue to cross. As a result of Chris’ departure the focus groups and forums which he facilitated will now be managed by Bobby Jones who many of you may know from their work with the Champs Board network. We’re delighted to have Bobby on board.  
Speaking of events, tickets for our Staf Summit have been selling like the proverbial hotcake and as we are back in person for this year (hurrah!) we are strictly limited on numbers so please don’t leave it too long to book. We are especially interested in those who work in the housing sector to join us as we discuss the role of housing policy in relation to care leavers and the Promise. Please do share this with any housing colleagues you know.  
In other exciting news, thanks to Promise Partnership funding, last year we at Staf carried out an internal review of our trauma informed approach to working which was a fascinating and often challenging journey which some of you supported us with along the way. We are now in a position to share the lessons learned in two webinars on the 22nd (PM) and 24th (AM) February to give you an honest and hopefully useful insight into what we did and perhaps inspire you to do the same. In addition, for those who are in a position to drive forward their own organisations internal review of trauma informed practice, in March we are hosting 4 in person workshops in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling and Dundee. Here you will hear about our journey but also get support from our trauma informed specialist, Eva Roussou, to begin to think and plan out your own process and potential action plans. Places are free for members and numbers are limited to ensure those participating get the most out of their experience so make sure you book soon.  
Feedback from our members is vital to our work and to ensure we are doing the very best by them. If you are from a member organisation (if in doubt please check here) and you’d like to share your thoughts on the last year, please take 5 minutes to complete this short survey. One lucky entrant will win a £50 voucher of their choice. Thank you.  
Finally, I’d like to share that the next Cross Party Group on Care Leavers is taking place online on Wednesday 22nd February from 6pm – 7.30pm. If you aren’t already a member and would like to join the meeting please email  
2023 has got off to a difficult start for us but I know that we will keep Bella in our thoughts and her passion to improve outcomes for all care leavers will drive us to do more and do better for our members and the care experienced people we work with. As Bella said at the Conference, “When we’re winning, you’re winning.”  

Best wishes, 

Jo Derrick

Staf CEO

Staf Projects

Youth Just Us - Care and Justice Experienced Steering Group

It's been a difficult start to the year for everyone at Youth Just Us as we come to terms with the sudden death of our dear friend and steering group member Bella McOuat. You can read our tribute to her here. We have been supporting the young people who knew Bella and her family; husband John and son James whilst thinking about ways we can mark her passing.

Our Digital Dough workshops have started this week where we and the great team at Liminal Studios will be using Virtual Reality technology to empower young people to tell their own stories. If you know any young people who would be interested in taking part please email

We have been meeting with a variety of partners to amplify voices and influence change including colleagues at North Lanarkshire Council Leaders Unlocked and Impact Arts

We are working on plans for outputs for Care Day on the 17th Feb including a potential podcast about the digital dough workshops and creating a digital toolkit to advise practitioners how to protect identity, amplify voice and tackle stigma.

We are delighted to share that Chris Kelly has joined us as a P/T Youth Justice Participation Worker who will be focused on establishing a Youth Just Us steering group out with the central belt. We are hosting an in person, drop in session for young people on 16th of Feb in person 4-7pm in Aberdeen. Click find out more.

We have signed up to the National Consensus Statement on Substance Use and Harm Prevention.

We continue our work with Clan Childlaw to design a child friendly legal service. Now Rights in Justice Project. More info about how we will be bringing this exciting work to life to follow soon.

Inside Out - Care experienced steering group at HMPYOI Polmont

We have met back up with our partners at Barnardo's to plan the year ahead and will soon be starting work on a flyer for the starter admissions pack.

You can keep up to date with the work of Youth Just Us and Inside Out via our Twitter account @YJVScotland 

Care Leavers Forum

Get in touch with if you'd like to get involved and influence change for care leavers!

The Real Toolkit

This year we will be continuing to work with our advisory group to keep the guides updated. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute any content to the Toolkit.

This month's featured guide is on Supportive Relationships in Continuing Care.

You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with our progress.

National Leadership Network (NLN) which Staf are lead hosts of alongside our partners at CYCJ, Columba 1400, Resilience Learning Partnership and Who Cares? Scotland.

Steering Group: The new National Leadership Network Steering Group are continuing to go through their induction process. The group had the opportunity to take part in trauma training with Resilience Learning Partnership on January 19th. There is an induction day taking place on Saturday the 4th of February which will be supported by Columba 1400. This induction day will be a fun and informative session with a focus on personal leadership, developing the National Leadership Network, the role of the Steering Group and much more. NLN staff are also meeting with Steering Group members on a 1-1 basis to get to know people better, understand individual aspirations and have a space to discuss issues out with the collective group.

Interim Oversight Board: the 4 x members of the Interim Oversight Board are now known as National Leadership Network consultants. Their remit includes reviewing 2022, planning 2023, supporting roadshows and developing an NLN strategy.

Roadshows: Initial stages of planning have begun for roadshow events in Fife and Dundee and with The Good Shepherd. A rescheduled roadshow at Rossie will happen on the 10th of February.  

Learning Resource: A learning resource produced by Celcis and the NLN has just been completed and will be available to be shared soon. This resource is an example of good practice and focuses on effective engagement with young people.

Engagement: The NLN continues to sign post and share information on a variety of leadership opportunities and experiences from various partners, friends and allies throughout Scotland via its distribution list.

NLN staff continue to engage with various relevant projects in the care experience community. Over the last month this has included the National House Project, The Promise (Doing Data Differently staff), Tayside CAMHS education staff and MyBNK staff  (more info at:

Communications: A young person working with the NLN has just completed a draft website. More information to follow in due course.

Various: Various pieces of work continue to develop within the NLN including individual grants, designing NLN hoodies, discussions on intergenerational work and much more.

For more information contact

Staf Events

Supported Lodgings, Supported Carers Focus Group

Tue 14 Feb

Implications of Continuing Care Focus Group
Tue 21 Feb

Staf Summit
Wed 8 Mar
The Studio, Glasgow

Local Authority Manager's Forum
Wed 22 Mar

Care Leavers into Employment, Education & Training

Tue 14 Mar

Participation Practitioner's Forum
Thu 30 Mar

#KeepingThePromise – Are We As Trauma-Informed As We Think We Are? Staf’s Journey and Lessons Learned Webinar
Wed 22 Feb (AM) Fri 24 Feb (PM) 

#KeepingThePromise – Developing an Organisational Trauma Informed

Action Plan
Glasgow, Dundee, Stirling, Edinburgh

Tue 21, Wed 22, Thu 23, Fri 24 Mar

Policy and Practice Updates 

OFSTED Children's Social Care survey
Ofsted has published its survey of 5,749children living with foster carers, in children’s homes or residential schools in England. Some findings include

  • Overall 87% rated their mental health as ‘OK’, ‘good’ or ‘very good’, although in secure children’s homes 27% rated their mental health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad'.

  • Children who stay in residential accommodation in boarding schools or in further education, 18% said that they only ‘sometimes’ or ‘never’ felt well cared for.

Cross Party Group on Care Leavers
The next meeting of the Cross Party Group on care leavers takes place on Wednesday 22 February at 6pm.

Email to sign up or become a member

Brothers and sisters now able to apply for Legal Aid
New legislation has been introduced which will allow brothers and sisters to apply for legal aid for a lawyer to represent them at their sibling's Children's Hearings. This will ensure that their views can be taken into consideration by the panel with the vital financial backing to make it possible. Read more about the ruling in Clan Childlaw's article.

Wales Centre for Public Policy - Basic Income In Wales
Last year we attended the Welsh Basic Income Pilot Conference where we heard from those involved with the pilot for care leavers as well as those experts in the Basic Income field of research. It was a fascinating event and further renewed our ambition to create a Guaranteed Income pilot for Scottish care leavers. Have a read of the blog from the Wales Centre for Public Policy to find out more.

Member of the Month: North Ayrshire Council

North Ayrshire Council have been a long standing member of Staf.

They are currently recruiting for a new Team Manager for their Throughcare and Aftercare team following the retirment of Jean Cullen. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Jean for her continued support and brilliant work to ensure her team are best placed to support young people leaving care in North Ayrshire.

If you are interested in applying for the Team Manager role visit click here  

What We Love This Month

💜 Who Cares Scotland's Carelidh is back for 2023!

💜 Columba 1400's Care Fest in Edinburgh

💜Dundee Champs Mind Of My Own App