Steering Group
This month we have been planning the new Steering Group members induction, who start working with us in April including meeting some NLN hosts and consultants and taking part in a Q and A. They will also meet with their peers in the Steering Group and take part in a couple of ‘getting to know you’ activities.
The group are still working on a funding framework for the next three years and supporting the induction of the new Steering Group members.
This month all four NLN Consultants plus Lisa and Gary met in Stirling. This was the first time that all six have met collectively in person in the three years they have all been working together. Thanks to the Stirling Champs for giving us their space to meet again! The NLN Consultants are still working on their individual projects. They are also looking at changing their focus to work more collectively again.
Cutting Aboot - NLN’s Active Travel Project
Cutting Aboot has recently completed stage 2 of research comprising the completion of a travel questionnaire. A total of 185 responses were received from individuals with experience of care aged 14 – 26 with 54% of respondents being female and 46% male. Despite receiving a plurality of respondents from Glasgow, this only represented 13%, with a balanced regional response rate being achieved. The majority of respondents were happy with the travel choices they had available to them, and the freedom they had to choose. In terms of identified barriers to accessing travel – particularly for those using public transport - cost, availability and accessibility alongside reliability.
Moving forward, we will be undertaking deeper analysis of the survey results as part of focus groups. Individuals who expressed an interest in being involved as part of questionnaire entry will be contacted first with plans to promote additional opportunities for engagement though the National Leadership Network and our social media channels so keep an eye on these for further information.
NLN Website
We have updated the resources page of our website. The NLN Consultants have added a Prezi on this page telling part of the NLN story to date.
Partnership Working
This month the NLN met staff from Each and Every Child (EAEC) and Our Hearings Our Voice (OHOV) to continue working on a national language project. The team met in person in Stirling where EAEC staff updated everyone on what they had been doing regarding further consultation and sharing their findings.
The Participation Network, which is supported by the NLN, had a debrief meeting following their recent event in Glasgow which focused on ‘Participation and Power’. Feedback from the event has been positive and NLN staff are pulling together a report to share information from the day.
NLN staff met with staff from Independent Advocacy (Perth and Kinross) this month. The Perth project which supports advocacy for people with care experience locally were keen to get an update on the NLN and hear about its structure.
NLN staff attended another Steering Group meeting this month for the Life Changes Trust (LCT) online legacy work which is led by Staf. This continues to be a great piece of partnership working focusing on LCT’s archive and legacy projects moving forward.
NLN staff attended the National House Project’s (NHP) House Projects in Scotland – The Promise in Action conference this month. This was an inspiring day hearing about the success stories of three great projects in Scotland, but it was also great to meet NLN friends including Each and Every Child, Jimmy Paul, and Heather Coady.
New recruit
The NLN is delighted to announce that NLN Steering Group member Barry Black will be joining the NLN full time for a nine-month period covering Lisa O’Leary’s maternity cover.
As always this is a bit of snapshot of some of the things #teamNLN are working on. If you would like more information on anything mentioned here, please contact