Hi Friend How are you? We hope you have had a good summer and are enjoying this mini heatwave we are having.
We're delighted to share the agenda for the next Cross Party Group on Care leavers which is taking place at the Scottish Parliament and online, via Zoom on the evening of Wednesday 13th September.
At this meeting we will be discussing experiences of stigma in education settings with a focus on further and higher education. At this meeting you will hear from a care experienced advisory group we have been consulting with who will be sharing a set of asks they have generated about what care experienced students need to succeed before accessing further and higher education. You will also get to hear directly from two care experienced students about their educational journeys. Following these inputs we will be opening up the floor for reflection, discussion and questions.
If you would like to attend and haven't yet RSVP'd, please complete the following form, indicating whether you intend to be there in person, or online.
Online joining instructions
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86087733152?pwd=TTQ2eStjUjlxdDA3b3VRZGppQStoUT09
Meeting ID: 860 8773 3152 Passcode: 627358 We will be moderating questions or comments on the day so please access the Q & A slides here where you can upload any questions in advance of the meeting as well as one the day.
For those who have asked to attend in person, we will send a separate email with information about timings and how to access the Parliament and participate on the evening.
Thank you for your time, as always.
Team Staf (Secretariat of CPG on Care Leavers)