Subject: Are you coming to the Staf National Conference?

Are you coming to the Staf conference?

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Hi Friend,

Staf is delighted to announce that bookings are now open for our 2020 National Conference, which will be held online on 17 November 2020. Book by 29 October to take advantage of our Early-Bird Rates!

Focusing on ‘why social connection is key for care leavers in the age of COVID-19’, our first-ever online conference will bring together an international line-up of speakers including best-selling authors Johann Hari and Kit De Waal, as well as the return of Tony Bloemendaal of Dr Bruce Perry’s ChildTrauma Academy and Dr Stacy Blythe, Senior Research Fellow at Western Sydney University. 

The conference is just one of over 30 events this year that will listen to the voices of care-experienced young people, workers and experts on a range of issues, and provide spaces for discussion on how we can make progress.

Don’t miss out on our Relationships Webinar too, coming up on 14 October, where we will discuss the findings of Project Return’s Pet Survey, talk about the benefits and work still to be done on supporting pets for care-experienced young people, and hear from the Care Inspectorate. Secure your place here

We're also looking for the views of Staf members this month, please take 5 minutes to fill out the Staf Membership Survey 2020

We hope you’ll be able to join us.

Kind regards, 


CEO, Staf
Tuesday 17 November | 9.30am – 3.30pm | Online

Book by 30 October to take advantage of our Early-Bird rates!

Staf is delighted to announce our 2020 National Conference, which will be held online on 17 November 2020. With an international line-up of speakers, we will focus on why life-long social connections are more important than ever for care leavers. We’ll explore the impact the pandemic has had on the mental health of care-experienced young people and those who support them and, crucially, how we can reverse that impact. And we will make the case of young people being at the heart of decision-making as we transition to a better normal.

At this event you will hear from:
  • Johann Hari, author of two New York Times-bestselling books including ‘Lost Connections: Why you are depressed - and how to find hope’
  • Kit De Waal, author of critically-acclaimed novel ‘My Name is Leon’ who worked for fifteen years in criminal and family law and has written training manuals on adoption, foster care and judgecraft for members of the judiciary.
  • Dr Stacy Blythe, Senior Research Fellow at Western Sydney University, with a research interest in the health and wellbeing of children in out-of-home care, infant mental health and Developmental Trauma.
  • Tony Bloemendaal, a fellow of the ChildTrauma Academy founded by world-renowned trauma expert Dr Bruce Perry and expert in trauma and neglect. 

Wednesday 14 October | 10.00am – 12.00pm. |  Zoom

Project Return is a project co-produced by care-experienced young people from across Scotland focused on trauma, recovery and participation. At this webinar, we will share the findings of their recent Pets in Care survey conducted by Project Return's care-experienced steering group, 'The Catalysts'. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss with project staff and young people the difference this work has made for young people and help shape its future. We will also hear from Mary Morris of The Care Inspectorate and Staf Board member Jade Kilkenny.

Project Return's Discovery Workshops

13-22 October | 5.30pm – 6.30pm. | Zoom

'The Catalysts', Project Return's care-experienced steering group, have designed a series of Discovery Workshops which will take place throughout October. Demand for these workshops has been very high, and there are very limited places left, please contact to book. 

Participation Practitioners’ Forum

Thursday 22 October | 11.00am – 12.30pm. | Zoom

The participation practitioners' forum is a free bi-monthly event for participation workers supporting young people with care and justice experience to connect with, and learn from, each other: sharing successes, reflecting on challenges, and championing examples of best practice in an informal setting.

Brew and a Blether: Supporting Care Leavers to Sustain Education

Thursday 29 October | 10.30am – 12.30pm. | Microsoft Teams

This roundtable event has been created for those in Scotland’s colleges, universities and local authorities supporting care leaver students to sustain education – connecting you with your peers to reflect on the challenges faced and the lessons learned over the past few months. We will be joined by a representative from the Scottish Government’s Scottish Attainment Challenge Policy Unit, and a representative of SAAS. 

Implications of Continuing Care Focus Group

Tuesday 3 November | 10.00am – 11.30pm. | Microsoft Teams

Meeting since 2014, the Implications of Continuing Care focus group offers a safe place to discuss issues and practice arising from Part 11 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. The recent work of this group has discussed commissioning placements, fostering fees and payments and shared good practice from across Scotland.

Care Leavers into Employment Focus Group

Wednesday 2 December | 10.30am – 12.30pm. | Microsoft Teams

Our Care Leavers into Employment focus group tackles the issues faced by young people in both accessing and sustaining employment. This group brings together workers from across the public and third sector to discuss and dissect current practice issues.

The next meeting of the group will provide further opportunities to network with colleagues and share best practice and will include an update from the Scottish Government on their new Youth Guarantee. 

Supported Lodgings, Supported Carers Focus Group

Tuesday 15 December | 10.00am – 11.30pm. | Microsoft Teams

The Supported Lodgings, Supported Carers focus group provides a supportive forum to share good practice, local and national developments, and discuss issues around Care Inspectorate inspections. This group is aimed at members and corporate parents who provide supported lodgings or supported carer services for care-experienced young people.

Local Authority Members’ Forum 

Tuesday 9 January 2021 | 10.30am – 12.30pm. | Microsoft Teams

This event has been created exclusively for local authority managers to give you space to discuss the issues that matter to you, given your unique statutory responsibility in delivering service for care leavers.

To be added to the Local Authority Managers Forum group on Teams please indicate this in your booking email (please note the group is only accessible to members of Staf, any non-members joining the meeting will be sent a specific meeting link prior)

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