Subject: New Year, New Content from GRT!

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We are your primary source for Real Estate Services & Senior Resources
Our Team specializes in assisting aging adults & their families with comprehensive real estate services. We’re here to help make the rest of your life the best of your life!

The new year is always a #GRT opportunity for new beginnings, new ventures and new projects. We promise to continue to provide the content that matters to YOU.
Planning a visit with parents, grandparents or great grandparents soon?
  • Notice a cognitive or physical change? 
  • Is your loved one living in isolation? 
  • Has their world become small? 
  • Do you understand that your loved one would thrive in an active social setting?
Before it's a burden placed upon you and a loved one, please take 90 seconds to watch this video
On the latest episode of The Ron Greenwald Show, Ron interviews Suzanne Forman. In this far-reaching and intimate interview, Suzanne graciously lays out all the ups and downs her family went through at home, then in a senior community, and then at home again.

Click here for the entire podcast. Thank you for listening!
New this year, we are excited to bring you weekly Marketing 101.  
Remember, if you need assistance, just let us know. Please contact us, we'd love to hear from you. We Are Your Senior Real Estate Specialists!

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Greenwald Realty Team, 12526 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92130, United States of America
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