Subject: Let's Talk About Probate, Personal Property & Aging

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We are your primary source for Real Estate Services & Senior Resources
Our Team specializes in assisting aging adults & their families with comprehensive real estate services. We’re here to help make the rest of your life the best of your life!

Let's Talk About Probate
You're The Executor or Administrator of a Deceased Person’s Estate... How Do You Feel?

No matter the emotion, the Greenwald Realty Team is Here for You. You need a team that offers not only experience and expertise, but empathy. As Probate Real Estate Specialists, GRT has helped scores of people successfully navigate the complex process of probate real estate disposition. In situations ranging from challenging to difficult – we always rise to the occasion.  Let us be your Stress Reliever.  Click here for more information. 
Let's Talk About Personal Property
When dealing with California probate, the issue of personal property distribution is always a top priority. Your first task should be to CHANGE THE LOCKS!  Second, you should seek guidance on how to efficiently and cost-effectively remove and distribute the personal property in the home. Third, find an attorney who specializes in probate law!  There are several options to consider and it's crucial to determine the value of the items left in the home before deciding on the best course of action. If you need guidance, please call us. We will be your General Manager and act as your eyes and ears throughout this complex process. We will be your single point of contact for your real estate journey. Click here for more information.
EPISODE 18:  No One Gets A Rulebook on Aging…But It Helps to Know a Specialist!

Aging Life Care Manager, Rebecca Montano, works with individuals and families to assess their situation, ascertain where they need help, and coordinate and monitor their care.

Click here for the latest podcast.  Thanks for tuning in!
What's Your Leadership Legacy?

The 28th Annual PFAC Conference Provides Excellence In Fiduciary Education 
May 31 to June 3 - San Francisco, CA

More information can be found at 

Hope to see you there!
Remember, if you need assistance, just let us know. Please contact us, we'd love to hear from you. We Are Your Seniors Real Estate Specialists!

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Greenwald Realty Team, 12526 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92130, United States of America
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