Subject: 2019: A Year in Review

Smart Solutions for the Family’s Estate

Ron Greenwald and Patti Gerke are real estate professionals dedicated to the service of seniors within our community.  The program, Senior Stay or Go™, was developed to assist families through difficult times of transition with their loved ones.  Our objective is to save you time, money, and emotional wear and tear.

The 2019 Year in Review
As 2019 comes to a close, we are not only looking ahead but also looking back at all that we've accomplished. Let us know how we can assist you and your loved ones with your 2020 real estate goals.
We Underestimate Exercise and Pay the Price
Barely one-fifth of adults get the often-recommended one hour of moderately intense physical activity most days of the week.

This week, Dr. Philip J. Goscienski contributes a blog article to our website.  He will join us on Facebook Live for an interview on
January 16th at 10:00am.
Remember, if you need assistance, just let us know.

Please contact us, we'd love to hear from you.

Greenwald and Gerke Realtors®
(844) 782-9674

Greenwald Realty Team, 12526 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92130, United States of America
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