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Come Walk in My Moccasins Newsletter December 2017
In this issue: Books: Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, You're Just Right, Living in an IglooOur Stories: Do you know me? Do you see me?Our Songs: Sosen Niwahkseri:yo (Susie Snowflake)Our Dances: Inuit Drum Dance Traditional Arts: Tanning Hides Recipe: Marinated Venison Kabobs
Our Words: First Voices Kids |
Drums are closely associated with First Nations people. Some people say, "Drumming is the heartbeat of Mother Earth." First Nations made a great variety of drums. Healers sometimes use miniature drums. There are also tambourine-shaped hand drums, war drums, water drums, and very large ceremonial drums. Their size and shape depends on the First Nation's particular culture and what the drummer wants to do with them. Many are beautifully decorated. (Source)
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
For infants
"There was one little baby / who was born far away. / And another who was born / on the very next day. / And both of these babies, / as everyone knows, / had ten little fingers / and ten little toes." No matter which part of the world a baby comes from-born on the ice or in a tent-that baby has 'ten little fingers / and ten little toes,' the pleasing refrain of this wonderful, rhyming tribute to the chubby, sweet universality of babies of all colors. Helen Oxenbury's soft, rounded babies are captured perfectly in soft, rounded watercolors." (Excerpt from Indigo)
You're Just Right
For preschoolers
"We love you as the sun rises high / as the stars shine brilliant and bright. / From the moment we first heard your cry, / we knew in our hearts, "You're just right!" And so begins the telling of the birth and transformation of an indigenous baby from childhood to teen years to womanhood, supported throughout her journey by loving and supportive parents. Award-winning Lakota author Victor Lethbridge reminds us that, even though we all share in the same struggles, each one of us longs to hear these words whispered in our ear - "I love you so much. You're just right..." (Excerpt from Indigo)
Living in an Igloo
For school-age
Meet a young Inuit girl and her family. Learn why they sometimes live in an igloo and what life in an igloo is like.
Jan Reynolds, author and illustrator of Living in an Igloo, is an award-winning author and photographer whose work has appeared in numerous publications, including National Geographic, The New York Times, and Outside magazine. All seven books in her Vanishing Cultures series of photo-essays for children were recognized as Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People. (Excerpt from Lee & Low Books)
Downloadable teachers' guide is available. |
Do you know me? Do you see me?
Michelle, a Mikmaq and Acadian French woman, tells us how she had "lost her talk" and "lost her voice". Poetry and music spoke to her spirit language - the language of her ancestors. She is now listening with her heart and soul to access knowledge through the Mikmaq language. (3 minute video) |
This story has been created through Kingston Indigenous Language Nest and the Indigenous Health Program through Kingston Community Health Centres.
Sosen Niwahkseri:yo (Susie Snowflake)
Children attending Kawenna'on:we share their love of music by sharing this song in the Mohawk language. (45 second video) |
Inuit Drum Dance
The Inuit drum - called a qilaut - was traditionally made from caribou skin stretched over driftwood that had been softened and made into a ring. The handle was covered with seal or walrus skin and protruded outwards so it could be held downwards and easily rotated. The qilaut is played by striking the rim rather than the skin of the drum.
Drumming is often accompanied by dancing. One way of dancing is the polar bear style, in which the drum is held low and the drummer dances around mimicking a polar bear while playing. Through Inuit drum dances the dancers retell stories of their ancestors.
In this engaging video by the Paulatuk Moonlight Drummers and Dancers, the dancers explain and show their connection and their joy in drumming, dancing and expressing their Inuit culture. This video was captured in and around Paulatuk, Northwest Territories. (7:30 minute video) |
Tanning Hides
Have you ever wondered how moose hide can sometimes be a golden colour and other times appear reddish? Through the Northwest Territories Arts we learn how leather is prepared and tanned to create soft, durable and uniquely coloured material for clothing, footwear, bedding and more. As well, see how some Indigenous peoples use tanned leather to create exquisite art.
This simple recipe is quick to prepare and cook on a grill or under an oven broiler. It does, however, require time for the meat to marinate. Longer marinating time will add flavour and tenderness to the venison.
This recipe has been reproduced with permission from Food is Our Medicine Making it Sacred Cookbook. |
First Voices Kids
First Peoples' Cultural Council in British Columbia have created an interactive online resource for helping children learn words and phrases in 50 different Indigenous languages on Turtle Island! |
Indigenous Language Resources |
Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na provides Mohawk language and culture programming at the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory (the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte). They run several programs, including Totáhne (At Grandma's House) for preschool children, Kawenna'ón:we Primary Immersion (K-4) and Shatiwennakará:tats, a year long program for Adults. |
Morning and Drop-in Programs Kawenna'on:we Primary Immersion, Tyendinaga |
Mohawk Words and Phrases Translations in print and audio formats
Michif Language Resource Translations in audio, video and print formats
Anishnaabemowin - Our Language Our Culture Ojibwa language booklet
Beauty in Movement: An Indigenous Guide to Physical Activity Pamphlet about the importance of physical activity and ideas to get children moving
Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide - First Nations, Inuit and Métis Available in Inuktitut, Ojibwe, Plains Cree, and Woods Cree languages |
Gathering Communities Making Connections A list of resources and services for people of Indigenous
Ancestry, and for those who work with them |
Canoe Kids A family book for readers of all ages that explores Indigenous cultures through authentic Indigenous voices
Sources for Indigenous books: Indigenous Book Lending:
Metis Nation Ontario December Calendar, Kingston |
Indigenous Family Network: An Indigenous Family Gathering, Kingston Thursday, December 7 |
Full Moon Ceremony, Kingston Monday, December 4 |
| We need YOU! Help us become more inclusive of the many First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples among our readership. Share an Indigenous recipe, song, or traditional art through Come Walk in My Moccasins. Contact if you are interested in becoming a guest contributor.
| | Indigenous Family Literacy Circle Partners:
| Come Walk in My Moccasins is created by the Indigenous Family Literacy Circle and sponsored by Hastings-Prince Edward Children Youth Services Network. |
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Copyright 2016 Indigenous Family Literacy Circle 465 Advance Avenue, Napanee, Canada | |