Subject: Solar slashes NYE peak demand, ORA-R1 EV and hot water diverter reviews, how the Senate saved solar and more

Solar Quotes

Hi everyone,
Australia's millions of solar power systems strutted their stuff on New Year's Eve - cutting peak electricity demand in New South Wales by 776 MW, in Queensland by 550 MW, in South Australia by 411 MW and in Victoria by 601 MW according to The Australia Institute.
In other news from TAI, it has released a report showing how the Senate crossbench pretty much saved Australia's renewable energy sector.
Have oodles of surplus solar electricity, a low feed-in tariff and high water heating bills? Catch Power's new Green Power hot water diverter may be a good option for you - read about it here.
While on the topic of reviews, Ronald's taken a look at the specs and pricing of the ORA-R1 electric car - with some interesting results.
More on these stories and other news below!
Don't forget you can get 3 solar quotes from trusted solar installers at our website - and everyone can also stay in touch with what's happening on SQ via our Facebook page.

Finn Peacock


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The New Catch Power Green Hot Water Diverter Reviewed: Smaller, Cheaper, Cuter
Catch Power's new budget hot water diverter is a great option if you have lots of spare solar electricity, a low feed In tariff and high water heating bills.
China's "Cheapest Electric Car" -- The ORA-R1 -- May Cost Around $28,000
The 'world's cheapest' electric car was announced with great fanfare last week. In reality, the EV's actual cost may be more than double the price claimed.
Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – January 2019
Interest in solar power in Australia usually sees a significant decrease in December, but last month saw plenty of Australians with tiny electricity bills on their minds.



7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners - An Amazon Best-Seller!

The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, demystifies the solar buying process in Australia; showing you how many panels you need, which panel brands to buy, which to avoid, and how to find a great installer.

Learn more about The Good Solar Guide

The seven-step process revealed in this book, developed over 10 years in the industry, walks you through understanding, evaluating, buying, installing and using solar to deliver on its promise of tiny electricity bills. Order the book (available in paperback or Kindle) or read the whole book online free! Yes, for free. Crazy eh?



Enphase AC Battery Eligible For SA Home Battery Scheme
Enphase’s home energy storage solution, the AC Battery, has been quietly added as an eligible system under South Australia’s Home Battery Scheme.
How The Crossbench Saved Renewable Energy In Australia
The Australia Institute (TAI) reveals the crucial role the Senate crossbench has played in securing billions of dollars of investment in Australia’s renewable energy industry.
Canadian Solar KuMax Panels For Finley Solar Farm
Canadian Solar has announced it is supplying KuMax modules and Engineering, Procurement and Constructions (EPC) services for Finley Solar Farm in New South Wales.
Electricity Generation Tumbles, Renewables Climb In The UK
A new report states the total amount of electricity generated in the UK last year dropped to its lowest level in 25 years – and of what was generated, renewable energy accounted for a large chunk.
WA Wholesale Electricity Price Rises Under The Spotlight
Synergy’s wholesale electricity market dominance has been highlighted in a discussion paper from Western Australia’s Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) released a few days before Xmas.
Solar Slashes Peak Electricity Demand On New Year’s Eve
The Australia Institute (TAI) has taken EnergyAustralia to task over recent claims it made regarding the cost of small-scale solar to electricity customers, while ignoring its value.
Read more from the blog



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Please note in the case of solar panel and inverter reviews, the equipment should have been installed for at least one year.
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NEW! Solar Panel Comparison Table
Easily compare solar panels, specifications and their prices side-by-side in our new solar panel comparison table.
Solar Power Forecast Tool
We developed this handy tool in collaboration with WeatherZone to help you forecast your solar system's output up to 48 hours ahead. 

Important Mistakes To Avoid In Buying Solar 
Don't become a lost sheep in a field of wolves. Learn about the top 7 mistakes people make when buying solar power systems.

Learn more

13 Questions To Ask A Solar Company
Before you sign on the dotted line, ensure you have satisfactory answers to these important questions.

Solar Battery Storage Explained
How to buy a solar system with battery storage. Do you need backup functionality or not? How much should you pay, and what batteries are safe and reliable?
Compare Solar Feed In Tariffs 
Make sure you are getting a good solar feed in tariff - try this easy to use comparison tool

Solar Battery Comparison Table
Discover battery prices and specifications of dozens of energy storage solutions with our solar battery storage comparison table.

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