Subject: Snag the Right Battery & Debunk Solar Recycling Myths

Solar Quotes

Hi everyone,

Your shortcut to snagging the right home battery has *FINALLY* arrived! Catch my fresh 2023 Home Battery Buyer's Guide video. It's the quickest and smartest way to choose a battery and it's now live on YouTube.  

Now, let's cut the crap about solar panels and landfills. Panels are not nuclear waste, no matter what your fossil fuel buddy yammers on our Facebook page. 

But with more panels come more disposal questions. So, where do these green warriors retire after decades of service? Ex-Installer Kim's got your back. Check out his two-part blog series: The problems and solutions of solar panel recycling. Get the facts, change the chat.

Need more solar, battery and EV gossip? Keep scrolling.

Remember, my website's got 3 top-notch solar, battery or EV charger quotes waiting for you. Now's a great time to lock in a system with 29% electricity price rises coming for many in July!

Finn Peacock



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The Problem With Solar Panel Recycling In Australia

Australia’s solar panel recycling problem is huge. With no clear rules from government bodies, we’re left with a big mess and many questions. Part one of this two-part series will dig into this issue to clarify the confusion and find some answers.

Some Solutions To Solar Panel Recycling In Australia

After dissecting solar panel recycling’s tricky challenges in part one of this series, here part two plunges headfirst into solutions.

Thinking Of Installing EV Chargers At Work? Read This First

Imagine a world where arriving home from work includes a fully charged electric car, and the humdrum petrol station detour becomes a thing of the past. Sound far-fetched? Well, not if your workplace is visionary enough to install EV chargers.

The Fronius Wattpilot Warranty: It’s Too Short

Ronald does a deep dive into the Fronius Wattpilot EV charger warranty.  If you don’t know what that is, it’s a device for charging EVs. 

Even more news below!



7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners - An Amazon Best-Seller!

The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, demystifies the solar buying process in Australia; showing you how many panels you need, which panel brands to buy, which to avoid, and how to find a great installer.

Learn more about The Good Solar Guide

The seven-step process revealed in this book, developed over 10 years in the industry, walks you through understanding, evaluating, buying, installing and using solar to deliver on its promise of tiny electricity bills. Order the book (available in paperback or Kindle) or read the whole book online free! Yes, for free. Crazy eh?



WA Plans Six Community Batteries with $3 Million Fed Funding

WA electricity network, Western Power and WA electricity retailer, Synergy are the latest community battery grant winners, securing $3 million to build six community batteries.

Phillip Island’s $10 Million Battery To Help Power The MotoGP

A few months later than originally expected, Ausnet Services’ $10 million Phillip Island battery was formally opened over the weekend by Victoria’s energy and resources minister Lily D’Ambrosio.

Transgrid Pumps Millions into Training Powerline Construction Workers

Transgrid has cited the transition to renewables as one reason for launching a multi-million-dollar training initiative.

RayGen and Alfa Laval Push the Limits of Solar Efficiency In Victoria

RayGen is building a concentrator-style PV power plant in Victoria with thermal storage, and incredible claimed efficiency, and they’ve picked Alfa Laval to provide the heat exchangers.  

Read more from the blog



There's a bunch of hardware and installer reviews along with handy and easy to use tools and calculators on SolarQuotes. Find them by clicking here.



If you're yet to get 3 obligation-free solar quotes from our network of trusted installers, or perhaps you didn't go ahead on a set of quotes issued previously for whatever reason and still want to install solar, now is a great time to submit for fresh quotes!

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If you're an Australian solar power system owner and would like to share a review of your solar panels, inverters, battery or installer with other potential Australian PV buyers to assist them in a purchase decision, SolarQuotes is the place to do it!
Please note in the case of solar panel and inverter reviews, the equipment should have been installed for at least one year.
Submit a review: Panels | Inverters | Batteries | Installers 
Pick up some tips on writing a review.



Understanding Solar
This runs through the basics of residential solar energy and the components that make up the system. It demystifies the magic turning sunlight into clean power for your home that can save you a bundle of cash on your electricity bills, and clearly explains some important concepts you should understand.
Buying Solar
My original guide, updated for 2023 that also includes a printable and video version. Now you have a basic understanding of all the bits that make up a solar power system and how they work to generate electricity, it’s time to think about getting quotes. After reading this, you’ll be able to communicate effectively with a salesperson and be confident you’re paying the right amount of money for a properly-sized system with the right components  – and from the right installer.
Owning Solar
The panels are now on your rooftop and the installers have packed up and left. What should you do now and how can you make the most of the new valuable addition to your home? From checking the installation to maximising electricity bill savings, find the answers here.
Understanding Home Batteries
This chapter will provide you an understanding of solar batteries – and will help you determine if installing one is right for you. It covers topics such as how a home battery works, the different types of energy storage and how energy storage can save you money.
Buying Solar Batteries
My guide to buying solar battery storage provides useful advice on how to go about purchasing a good quality home battery system installation at a reasonable price – and how to identify some of the traps. By reading this, you’ll be better equipped to make a solid purchase decision.
Owning A Battery System
As the proud new owner of home energy storage, you’ll want to make the most of it. This chapter provides very useful information about owning a battery system and maximising the benefits it can provide.
EV Charging 101
This comprehensive guide covers pretty much everything you’ll need to know about EV charging at home and away from it; and all explained clearly.

Learn more

Solar Quotes
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