Subject: Commercial solar for tenants, JFY inverter testing update, JinkoSolar's new panels and more

Solar Quotes

Hi everyone,
Welcome to another issue of the Solar Quotes weekly newsletter - please feel free to forward it on to others.
It appears folks in the ACT having a new house built or solar installed are getting a raw deal on electricity - they'll no longer have the same choice of electricity plans says Ronald.
Ronald has also published a review of a company that's providing solar power for tenants of commercial buildings under an interesting business model that also benefits landlords.
In other news from the past week, it looks like U.S. President Donald Trump is hell-bent on propping up the USA's ailing coal and nuclear power sector, WA's government is looking at a virtual power plant for the Goldfields, and a large-scale solar + storage facility proposed for Wellington, New South Wales has been given the green light.
More on these stories and other news below!
By the way, if you missed last week's newsletter, I announced the upcoming release of my book - The Good Solar Guide.
Don't forget you can get 3 solar quotes from trusted solar installers at our website - and everyone can also stay in touch with what's happening on SQ via our Facebook page.

Finn Peacock


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Landlord Energy — Providing Solar For Commercial Tenants
Landlord Energy will install solar on commercial premises (at the landlord's expense), then work with an electricity retailer to deliver savings to the tenant and returns to the landlord. Here's how it works.
New Solar Homes Robbed Of Choice In ACT: Demand Or Time-of-Use Tariffs Only
If you are getting a new house built or having solar power installed in the ACT I have some bad news. You will lose the ability to freely choose between electricity plans. You will no longer be able to select a standard tariff; which is usually best for solar households. 
Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – June 2018
Australians have been installing solar panels at a record rate and there’s still plenty of interest in turning the nation’s naked rooftops into bill-busting electricity generation platforms.



7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners!

The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, demystifies the solar buying process in Australia; showing you how many panels you need, which panel brands to buy, which to avoid, and how to find a great installer.

Learn more about The Good Solar Guide

The seven-step process revealed in this book, developed over 10 years in the industry, walks you through understanding, evaluating, buying, installing and using solar to deliver on its promise of tiny electricity bills. Pre-order or download the first chapter free today!



JFY Solar Inverter Fails CEC Testing (Again)
The JFY solar inverter saga continues, with latest testing performed by the Clean Energy Council at the manufacturer’s request resulting in another failure. 
Report Raises Solar Power System Safety And Performance Concerns
While representing a minority of installations, shonky solar in Australia can pose a threat to safety and/or seriously impact on return on investment.
Trump Wants To Prop Up Coal And Nuclear Power In The USA
U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to stop ailing coal and nuclear plants across the country from closing, much to the horror of the nation’s gas and renewable energy supporters. 
Virtual Power Plant For Western Australia’s Goldfields?
The Western Australian Government has announced it will proceed with providing half a million dollars to finance the development of a proposal for a virtual power plant (VPP) trial in Kalgoorlie-Boulder. 
Hanwha Q Cells To Manufacture Solar Panels In The USA
In another case of it you can’t beat them, join them, Hanwha Q Cells Korea has announced it build a solar panel manufacturing facility in the U.S. state of Georgia. 
Jinko Solar Unveils 410W “Cheetah” Panel And Gold-Framed Module
JinkoSolar has taken the wraps off its 410W Cheetah solar panel at the SNEC 12th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Exhibition & Conference in Shanghai. 
Lyon, JERA and Fluence Formalise Energy Storage Collaboration
Lyon Group, JERA and Fluence have banded together to pursue further utility-scale battery storage development and investment opportunities in the Asia Pacific, including Australia. 
Green Light For Wellington Solar + Storage Facility
The town of Wellington in New South Wales will soon have a new neighbour, a 174 megawatt solar farm that will also feature battery storage.
Read more from the blog



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Solar Power Forecast Tool
We developed this handy tool in collaboration with WeatherZone to help you forecast your solar system's output up to 48 hours ahead. 

Important Mistakes To Avoid In Buying Solar 
Don't become a lost sheep in a field of wolves. Learn about the top 7 mistakes people make when buying solar power systems.

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13 Questions To Ask A Solar Company
Before you sign on the dotted line, ensure you have satisfactory answers to these important questions.

Solar Battery Storage Explained
How to buy a solar system with battery storage. Do you need backup functionality or not? How much should you pay, and what batteries are safe and reliable?
Compare Solar Feed In Tariffs 
Make sure you are getting a good solar feed in tariff - try this easy to use comparison tool

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