Subject: The May 2024 Auction: Part 1 / 🔎 California, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Piedmont, Tuscany, RhĂ´ne, & Champagne

Auctions â€˘ Retail â€˘ Storage
Santa Ana â€˘ Newport Beach â€˘ Hong Kong â€˘ Minneapolis
The May 2024 Auction
Part 1
🔍 California, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, Piedmont, RhĂ´ne, & Tuscany
Lot 900. Bruno Giacosa Falletto Rabaja' di Barbaresco 2013. 5 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99JS
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $800.00, $160.00 Per Bottle

Lot 831. Gaja Barbaresco 2004. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95AG
Estimate: $190.00, Current Bid: $150.00

Lot 891. Gaja Conteisa 1996. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $950.00, Opening Bid: $700.00, $350.00 Per Bottle

Lot 892. Gaja Costa Russi 1988. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95WS
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $350.00

Lot 893. Gaja Costa Russi 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97WS
Estimate: $425.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 899. Gaja Darmagi Cabernet Sauvignon 1987. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $500.00, Current Bid: $350.00, $175.00 Per Bottle

Lot 898. Gaja Sori San Lorenzo 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96RP
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $350.00

Lot 833. Gaja Sori Tildin 1986. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93WS
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $350.00

Lot 835. Gaja Sori Tildin 1988. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93WS
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $350.00

Lot 861. Giuseppe Mascarello Barolo Monprivato 2008. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95+AG
Estimate: $500.00, Current Bid: $350.00, $175.00 Per Bottle

Lot 867. Luciano Sandrone Barolo Cannubi Boschis 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96+AG
Estimate: $425.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 871. Marchesi di Barolo Barolo 1961. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00

Lot 839. Roagna Barbaresco Crichët Pajé 2008. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97AG
Estimate: $1,375.00, Opening Bid: $1,000.00

Lot 841. Roagna Barbaresco Pajé Vecchie Viti 2012. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97AG
Estimate: $1,400.00, Opening Bid: $1,000.00, $333.33 Per Bottle

Lot 878. Roberto Voerzio Barolo Brunate 1990. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95AG
Estimate: $425.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 885. Vietti Barolo Lazzarito 2015. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $375.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 886. Vietti Barolo Ravera 2015. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $375.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 182. Chasse-Spleen 1995. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 90WS
Estimate: $50.00, Opening Bid: $35.00

Lot 147. Cheval Blanc 1982. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $950.00, Opening Bid: $650.00

Lot 148. Cheval Blanc 1993. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 91VM
Estimate: $375.00, Current Bid: $275.00

Lot 150. Cheval Blanc 2020. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100JD
Estimate: $1,300.00, Opening Bid: $950.00

Lot 194. Climens 2005. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $55.00, Opening Bid: $40.00

Lot 32. Cos d'Estournel 1982. 1 Half Bottle, 0.375L.
Score: 96NM
Estimate: $180.00, Current Bid: $175.00

Lot 33. Cos d'Estournel 2010. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99+WA
Estimate: $475.00, Current Bid: $375.00, $187.50 Per Bottle

Lot 200. Coutet 2008. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 92NM
Estimate: $85.00, Opening Bid: $60.00, $30.00 Per Bottle

Lot 225. De Landiras 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $40.00, Opening Bid: $30.00, $15.00 Per Bottle

Lot 46. Ducru-Beaucaillou 1995. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97WS
Estimate: $200.00, Current Bid: $175.00

Lot 47. Ducru-Beaucaillou 2010. 5 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100JS
Estimate: $1,600.00, Opening Bid: $1,130.00, $226.00 Per Bottle

Lot 50. Ducru-Beaucaillou 2014. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99JS
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $275.00, $137.50 Per Bottle

Lot 190. d'Yquem 1961. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 92JL
Estimate: $600.00, Current Bid: $350.00

Lot 191. d'Yquem 1966. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: ****MB
Estimate: $350.00, Current Bid: $301.00

Lot 124. Haut-Brion 1961. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $2,750.00, Opening Bid: $2,000.00

Lot 99. Haut-Brion 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $2,750.00, Opening Bid: $1,800.00, $600.00 Per Bottle

Lot 101. Haut-Brion 2015. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $1,300.00, Opening Bid: $925.00, $462.50 Per Bottle

Lot 2. L’Église-Clinet 2015. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100DM
Estimate: $715.00, Opening Bid: $515.00, $171.67 Per Bottle

Lot 5. La Conseillante 1989. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97RP
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 6. La Conseillante 2005. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98JS
Estimate: $225.00, Current Bid: $190.00

Lot 7. La Conseillante 2009. 2 Magnums, 1.5L.
Score: 98JS
Estimate: $900.00, Opening Bid: $650.00, $325.00 Per Bottle

Lot 3002. La Mission Haut-Brion 1961. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $3,750.00, Opening Bid: $2,750.00

Lot 109. La Mission Haut-Brion 2009. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $450.00, Opening Bid: $375.00

Lot 110. La Mission Haut-Brion 2010. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100FM
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $400.00

Lot 111. La Mission Haut-Brion 2012. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97RP
Estimate: $1,500.00, Current Bid: $1,100.00, $183.33 Per Bottle

Lot 113. La Mission Haut-Brion 2015. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100JS
Estimate: $1,175.00, Opening Bid: $835.00, $278.33 Per Bottle

Lot 115. La Mission Haut-Brion 2016. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99NM
Estimate: $2,400.00, Opening Bid: $1,700.00, $283.33 Per Bottle

Lot 117. La Mission Haut-Brion 2020. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $310.00

Lot 74. Lafite Rothschild 1949. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 90WS
Estimate: $2,000.00, Opening Bid: $1,300.00

Lot 76. Lafite Rothschild 1962. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93WS
Estimate: $450.00, Opening Bid: $325.00

Lot 77. Lafite Rothschild 1982. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $1,800.00, Opening Bid: $1,200.00

Lot 78. Lafite Rothschild 1998. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98RP
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $775.00

Lot 81. Lafite Rothschild 2003. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $750.00, Current Bid: $650.00

Lot 9. Lafleur 2020. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99WA
Estimate: $5,000.00, Opening Bid: $4,325.00, $1,441.67 Per Bottle

Lot 82. Latour 1964. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94JG
Estimate: $750.00, Opening Bid: $550.00

Lot 83. Latour 1975. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93NM
Estimate: $300.00, Current Bid: $225.00

Lot 84. Latour 2011. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97DM
Estimate: $800.00, Opening Bid: $550.00

Lot 12. L'Eglise Clinet 2014. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97JS
Estimate: $150.00, Opening Bid: $110.00

Lot 13. L'Eglise Clinet 2015. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100DM
Estimate: $250.00, Opening Bid: $170.00

Lot 51. LĂ©oville-Barton 1961. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95JGWA
Estimate: $300.00, Opening Bid: $250.00

Lot 55. LĂ©oville-Las Cases 1983. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $130.00, Current Bid: $90.00

Lot 56. LĂ©oville-Las Cases 2006. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96NM
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 60. LĂ©oville-Las Cases 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99WA
Estimate: $1,000.00, Opening Bid: $725.00, $241.67 Per Bottle

Lot 64. LĂ©oville-Las Cases 2010. 4 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100DM
Estimate: $1,300.00, Current Bid: $850.00, $212.50 Per Bottle

Lot 67. LĂ©oville-Las Cases 2015. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99WE
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $425.00, $212.50 Per Bottle

Lot 70. LĂ©oville-Las Cases 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $475.00, $237.50 Per Bottle

Lot 170. L'If 2020. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98JS
Estimate: $180.00, Opening Bid: $140.00

Lot 125. Margaux 1959. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 99NM
Estimate: $1,800.00, Opening Bid: $1,300.00

Lot 127. Margaux 1986. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98+AG
Estimate: $450.00, Current Bid: $375.00

Lot 128. Margaux 1988. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96WS
Estimate: $400.00, Current Bid: $350.00

Lot 129. Margaux 1989. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100WS
Estimate: $450.00, Current Bid: $425.00

Lot 130. Margaux 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100JCL
Estimate: $750.00, Current Bid: $600.00

Lot 131. Margaux 1999. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96JCL
Estimate: $450.00, Current Bid: $380.00

Lot 132. Margaux 2019. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $800.00, Opening Bid: $650.00

Lot 45. Meyney 1993. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $30.00, Current Bid: $20.00

Lot 35. Montrose 1982. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96WS
Estimate: $200.00, Current Bid: $150.00

Lot 36. Montrose 2009. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $475.00, $237.50 Per Bottle

Lot 85. Mouton Rothschild 1969. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $350.00, Current Bid: $250.00

Lot 86. Mouton Rothschild 1982. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $950.00, Current Bid: $700.00

Lot 142. Palmer 1990. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97WA
Estimate: $375.00, Current Bid: $275.00

Lot 143. Palmer 2011. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96RP
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $400.00, $200.00 Per Bottle

Lot 120. Pape Clément 2019. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98JD
Estimate: $225.00, Opening Bid: $160.00, $80.00 Per Bottle

Lot 152. Pavie 2019. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97-100WA
Estimate: $300.00, Current Bid: $253.00

Lot 31. Petrus 1962. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94WS
Estimate: $2,500.00, Current Bid: $1,800.00

Lot 88. Pichon Baron 1937. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $325.00, Current Bid: $250.00

Lot 89. Pichon Baron 1953. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $450.00

Lot 140. Rauzan Gassies 1978. 11 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,800.00, Opening Bid: $1,285.00, $116.82 Per Bottle

Lot 141. Rauzan-SĂ©gla 1985. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 92WS
Estimate: $225.00, Opening Bid: $160.00

Lot 15. Trotanoy 1955. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 90WS
Estimate: $900.00, Opening Bid: $500.00

Lot 16. Vieux Chateau Certan 2009. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 100JS
Estimate: $750.00, Opening Bid: $550.00

Lot 18. Vieux Château Certan 2009. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100JS
Estimate: $300.00, Current Bid: $250.00

Lot 20. Vieux Chateau Certan 2010. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100JS
Estimate: $750.00, Current Bid: $550.00, $275.00 Per Bottle

Lot 21. Vieux Château Certan 2010. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100JS
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $270.00

Lot 24. Vieux Château Certan 2012. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96AG
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $285.00, $142.50 Per Bottle

Lot 27. Vieux Chateau Certan 2014. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97+AG
Estimate: $180.00, Current Bid: $140.00

Lot 28. Vieux Chateau Certan 2015. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100AG
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $275.00

Lot 29. Vieux Château Certan 2015. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100AG
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $265.00

Lot 1770. Alban Vineyards Alban Estate Syrah Lorraine 2005. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $425.00, $141.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1771. Alban Vineyards Alban Estate Syrah Reva 2005. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 96RP
Estimate: $200.00, Current Bid: $150.00

Lot 1676. Araujo Estate Cabernet Sauvignon Eisele Vineyard 2010. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98WA
Estimate: $1,200.00, Current Bid: $1,000.00, $166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1683. Araujo Estate Syrah Eisele Vineyard 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96WA
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $400.00, $133.33 Per Bottle

Lot 1684. Araujo Estate Syrah Eisele Vineyard 2010. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96WA
Estimate: $700.00, Opening Bid: $500.00, $166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1899. Aubert Chardonnay Eastside 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97-100WA
Estimate: $250.00, Opening Bid: $180.00, $90.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2091. Aubert Chardonnay Estate Lauren 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98-100WA
Estimate: $325.00, Current Bid: $250.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1701. Aubert Chardonnay Larry Hyde & Sons 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97AG
Estimate: $225.00, Current Bid: $180.00, $90.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1244. Beringer Vineyards Cabernet Franc Third Century 1996. 4 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $140.00, $35.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1272. Bryant Family Cabernet Sauvignon 1999. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95RP
Estimate: $225.00, Current Bid: $275.00

Lot 2468. Caldwell Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Aida Vineyard 1997. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $170.00, Opening Bid: $120.00, $40.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1297. Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon 40th Anniversary 2012. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96RP
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00

Lot 1298. Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon Special Selection 1995. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97WS
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $750.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1305. Chimney Rock Cabernet Sauvignon 1997. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 91WS
Estimate: $70.00, Current Bid: $50.00

Lot 2255. Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon Tychson Hill 2010. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98AG
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $400.00

Lot 2256. Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon Tychson Hill 2015. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $450.00

Lot 2257. Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon Tychson Hill 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $1,300.00, Opening Bid: $900.00, $450.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1310. Colgin Proprietary Red Cariad 2013. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98RP
Estimate: $450.00, Opening Bid: $325.00

Lot 1312. Colgin Proprietary Red Cariad 2015. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98+WA
Estimate: $850.00, Opening Bid: $550.00, $275.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1313. Colgin Proprietary Red Cariad 2017. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98JS
Estimate: $850.00, Opening Bid: $550.00, $275.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1314. Colgin Proprietary Red Cariad 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100AG
Estimate: $100.00, Opening Bid: $700.00, $350.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1318. Colgin Syrah IX Estate 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97JS
Estimate: $500.00, Current Bid: $450.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2259. Dana Estates Cabernet Sauvignon Onda 2012. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95RP
Estimate: $225.00, Opening Bid: $120.00

Lot 1357. Dana Estates Cabernet Sauvignon Onda 2014. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94AG
Estimate: $225.00, Opening Bid: $130.00

Lot 1379. Dominus Estate 1996. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95WA
Estimate: $425.00, Current Bid: $402.00, $67.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1380. Duckhorn Merlot Estate 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 91WS
Estimate: $55.00, Opening Bid: $40.00

Lot 1382. Duckhorn Merlot Napa Valley 1996. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $110.00, Opening Bid: $80.00, $40.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1233. Dunn Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain 1987. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97WS
Estimate: $180.00, Current Bid: $167.00

Lot 1234. Dunn Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain 1998. 1 Jeroboam, 5L.
Score: 97AG
Estimate: $800.00, Current Bid: $650.00

Lot 1235. Dunn Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain 2008. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98+AG
Estimate: $670.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1236. Dunn Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain 2011. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96JS
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $355.00, $118.33 Per Bottle

Lot 1386. El Molino Pinot Noir Napa Valley 1995. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $150.00, Current Bid: $110.00, $36.67 Per Bottle

Lot 2351. Elaine & Manfred Krankl Graciano The Third Twin 2019. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $375.00, $187.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1099. Far Niente Cabernet Sauvignon Cave Collection 2012. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $450.00, Current Bid: $275.00, $137.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1177. Freemark Abbey Cabernet Sauvignon 2017. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $140.00, Opening Bid: $100.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1179. Freemark Abbey Cabernet Sauvignon Bosche Vineyard 2006. 12 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95WE
Estimate: $2,000.00, Opening Bid: $1,500.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1182. Freemark Abbey Cabernet Sauvignon Sycamore Vineyard 2004. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93RP
Estimate: $350.00, Opening Bid: $250.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1116. Harlan Estate 1999. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96+ST
Estimate: $750.00, Current Bid: $550.00

Lot 1119. Harlan Estate 2007. 2 Magnums, 1.5L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $4,750.00, Current Bid: $4,050.00, $2,025.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1434. Harlan Estate 2008. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 96WA
Estimate: $1,400.00, Current Bid: $1,100.00

Lot 1120. Harlan Estate 2009. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 97+ST
Estimate: $1,400.00, Current Bid: $1,100.00

Lot 1122. Harlan Estate 2010. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 100AG
Estimate: $2,000.00, Current Bid: $1,400.00

Lot 1123. Harlan Estate 2014. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 98WA
Estimate: $2,500.00, Opening Bid: $1,600.00

Lot 1126. Harlan Estate 2019. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $3,500.00, Current Bid: $2,000.00

Lot 1127. Harlan Estate The Maiden 2007. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93RP
Estimate: $550.00, Current Bid: $500.00, $166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1128. Harlan Estate The Maiden 2008. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 92WA
Estimate: $500.00, Current Bid: $500.00, $166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1129. Harlan Estate The Maiden 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93WA
Estimate: $550.00, Current Bid: $500.00, $166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1130. Heitz Cellar Cabernet Sauvignon Martha's Vineyard 1974. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98-99RP
Estimate: $2,250.00, Opening Bid: $1,500.00

Lot 1131. Heitz Cellar Cabernet Sauvignon Martha's Vineyard 2007. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 94AG
Estimate: $900.00, Opening Bid: $475.00, $237.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1237. Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Ark Vineyard 2009. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96AG
Estimate: $1,200.00, Opening Bid: $650.00, $325.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1239. Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Ark Vineyard 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100JD
Estimate: $1,300.00, Current Bid: $850.00, $425.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1240. Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Ark Vineyard 2017. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98WA
Estimate: $1,200.00, Current Bid: $800.00, $400.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1697. Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Few and Far Between 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $1,350.00, Current Bid: $900.00, $450.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2278. Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Kayli Morgan Vineyard 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $1,300.00, Current Bid: $750.00, $375.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1444. Joseph Phelps Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 1995. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 90RP
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2243. Kistler Chardonnay Kistler Vineyard 1995. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $140.00, Opening Bid: $100.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1450. Lail Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon J. Daniel Cuvee 2012. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $550.00, Current Bid: $375.00, $187.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1453. Lail Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon J. Daniel Cuvee 2017. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $250.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1455. Lail Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon J. Daniel Cuvee 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100JD
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $325.00, $162.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1459. Levy & McClellan 2007. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96RP
Estimate: $550.00, Current Bid: $375.00, $187.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1468. Marston Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Estate 1985. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $100.00, Current Bid: $75.00, $37.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1249. Mayacamas Cabernet Sauvignon 1987. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95AG
Estimate: $250.00, Current Bid: $180.00

Lot 1250. Mayacamas Cabernet Sauvignon 1988. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97AG
Estimate: $250.00, Opening Bid: $180.00

Lot 1470. Mayacamas Chardonnay 1979. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $300.00, Current Bid: $170.00

Lot 2149. Morlet Family Vineyards Pinot Noir Joli Coeur 2007. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96WA
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00, $75.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1500. O'Brien Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2014. 12 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $900.00, Opening Bid: $550.00, $45.83 Per Bottle

Lot 1528. Opus One 1985. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95WS
Estimate: $350.00, Opening Bid: $250.00

Lot 1529. Opus One 1991. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97WS
Estimate: $420.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 1530. Opus One 2019. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99JS
Estimate: $2,250.00, Opening Bid: $1,600.00, $266.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1536. Pahlmeyer Merlot 1998. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 90RP
Estimate: $170.00, Current Bid: $120.00, $40.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1537. Pahlmeyer Proprietary Red 1996. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95RP
Estimate: $325.00, Opening Bid: $225.00, $112.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1539. Pahlmeyer Proprietary Red Jayson 2002. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 92WS
Estimate: $140.00, Opening Bid: $100.00

Lot 2502. Peter Michael Chardonnay Belle Cote 1997. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $140.00, Opening Bid: $100.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1801. Peter Michael Chardonnay Belle CĂ´te 2013. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99RP
Estimate: $200.00, Current Bid: $170.00, $85.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1802. Peter Michael Chardonnay Clos du Ciel 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93WS
Estimate: $70.00, Current Bid: $50.00

Lot 1143. PlumpJack Cabernet Sauvignon McWilliams Oakville Vineyard Reserve 2013. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $2,000.00, Current Bid: $1,300.00, $216.67 Per Bottle

Lot 2365. Promontory 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97RP
Estimate: $1,600.00, Current Bid: $1,500.00, $500.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2366. Promontory 2011. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96AG
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $400.00

Lot 2368. Promontory 2012. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 100JS
Estimate: $1,400.00, Current Bid: $900.00

Lot 2371. Promontory 2013. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99RP
Estimate: $2,250.00, Current Bid: $1,500.00, $500.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2374. Promontory 2014. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100AG
Estimate: $2,500.00, Opening Bid: $1,650.00, $550.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2376. Promontory 2015. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99AG
Estimate: $1,700.00, Opening Bid: $1,100.00, $550.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2379. Promontory 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $1,800.00, Opening Bid: $1,100.00, $550.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2380. Promontory 2019. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 100JD
Estimate: $2,250.00, Opening Bid: $1,300.00

Lot 2382. Promontory Penultimate 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93AG
Estimate: $700.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $225.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2439. Roederer Estate Brut Rosé NV. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $300.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2250. Saxon Brown Zinfandel Fighting Brothers 2014. 4 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $110.00, Opening Bid: $70.00, $17.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1870. Saxum James Berry Vineyard 2010. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97WA
Estimate: $100.00, Current Bid: $91.00

Lot 1871. Saxum Proprietary Red Broken Stones 2015. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97+WA
Estimate: $110.00, Current Bid: $86.00

Lot 1191. Scarecrow Cabernet Sauvignon 2013. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $750.00

Lot 1192. Scarecrow Cabernet Sauvignon 2021. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $3,000.00, Opening Bid: $2,250.00, $750.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1153. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2003. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95RP
Estimate: $9,500.00, Opening Bid: $7,000.00, $2,333.33 Per Bottle

Lot 1585. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2004. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97+RP
Estimate: $7,000.00, Current Bid: $5,500.00, $1,833.33 Per Bottle

Lot 1586. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2005. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98RP
Estimate: $5,000.00, Current Bid: $4,000.00, $2,000.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1587. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2006. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98AG
Estimate: $7,000.00, Current Bid: $6,000.00, $2,000.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1154. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2012. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $8,500.00, Current Bid: $6,500.00, $2,166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1156. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2018. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $9,000.00, Opening Bid: $6,500.00, $2,166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1157. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2019. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100AG
Estimate: $9,000.00, Opening Bid: $6,500.00, $2,166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1158. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2020. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96AG
Estimate: $8,500.00, Opening Bid: $6,000.00, $2,000.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1159. Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 2021. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98-100AG
Estimate: $9,000.00, Opening Bid: $6,500.00, $2,166.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1165. Screaming Eagle Second Flight 2012. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97JS
Estimate: $3,500.00, Current Bid: $2,500.00, $416.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1756. Seaver Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon GTS 2009. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 92AG
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $320.00, $160.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1757. Seaver Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon GTS 2011. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 89-91AG
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $330.00, $165.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1759. Seaver Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon GTS 2012. 5 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 94AG
Estimate: $1,200.00, Opening Bid: $800.00, $160.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1760. Seaver Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon GTS 2013. 4 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95RP
Estimate: $700.00, Opening Bid: $640.00, $160.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1588. Seavey Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 1994. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 89WS
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1590. Seavey Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon 2001. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 90WS
Estimate: $180.00, Opening Bid: $130.00

Lot 1591. Shafer Cabernet Sauvignon Hillside Select 2005. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 99RP
Estimate: $325.00, Opening Bid: $225.00

Lot 2520. Sine Qua Non Gallinita Rose 2014. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $325.00, Current Bid: $225.00, $112.50 Per Bottle

Lot 2460. Sine Qua Non Grenache Distenta II 2020. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 97-100JD
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $450.00

Lot 2461. Sine Qua Non Proprietary White Aperta 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $400.00, $200.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2284. Spottswoode Cabernet Sauvignon Estate 2010. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100RP
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $350.00, $175.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2285. Spottswoode Cabernet Sauvignon Estate 2013. 2 Magnums, 1.5L.
Score: 100JD
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $600.00, $300.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1196. Staglin Family Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford 1994. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 90WS
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2342. Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Cask 23 2009. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 94+WA
Estimate: $475.00, Opening Bid: $275.00, $137.50 Per Bottle

Lot 4325. Steven Kent Proprietary Red Lineage 2014. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $170.00, Opening Bid: $85.00, $42.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1630. Taylor Family Cabernet Sauvignon Cumulus 2012. 4 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $750.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $112.50 Per Bottle

Lot 2352. The Third Twin Graciano 2014. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $225.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2353. The Third Twin Graciano 2015. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $375.00, $187.50 Per Bottle

Lot 2354. The Third Twin Graciano 2016. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98+AG
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $225.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2355. The Third Twin Graciano 2017. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98AG
Estimate: $650.00, Opening Bid: $450.00, $225.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2356. The Third Twin Graciano 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $400.00, $200.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2523. The Third Twin Nuestra Senora del Tercer Gemelo 2018. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 100JD
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $300.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2463. The Third Twin Proprietary Red Nuestra Senora del Tercer Gemelo 2016. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 99+WA
Estimate: $850.00, Opening Bid: $600.00, $200.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1650. Viader Proprietary Red Napa Valley 1997. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 92RP
Estimate: $70.00, Opening Bid: $50.00

Lot 1982. Williams Selyem Chardonnay Unoaked 2022. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $85.00, Opening Bid: $70.00, $35.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1816. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Anderson Valley 2022. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $280.00, $46.67 Per Bottle

Lot 1995. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Central Coast 2022. 10 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $380.00, $38.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1987. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Martaella Vineyard 2022. 5 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $350.00, Opening Bid: $255.00, $51.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1988. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Olivet Lane 1996. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $140.00, Opening Bid: $100.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1989. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Olivet Lane Vineyard 2022. 5 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $275.00, $55.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1992. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Russian River Valley 2022. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $360.00, Opening Bid: $300.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2234. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Sonoma County 1996. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 89JG
Estimate: $140.00, Opening Bid: $100.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 2235. Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Sonoma County 2022. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $110.00, Opening Bid: $95.00, $47.50 Per Bottle

Lot 1663. Winter Cabernet Sauvignon 2005. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95+RP
Estimate: $300.00, Opening Bid: $225.00, $75.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1670. ZD Wines Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1995. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $100.00, Opening Bid: $70.00, $35.00 Per Bottle

Lot 320. Arnoux-Lachaux Vosne Romanée Les Suchots 2013. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93AM
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $750.00, $375.00 Per Bottle

Lot 346. Bouchard Père & Fils (Domaine) Beaune Clos de la Mousse 2009. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 88-91ST
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00, $75.00 Per Bottle

Lot 246. Cecile Tremblay Chapelle-Chambertin 2005. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 94JG
Estimate: $3,000.00, Opening Bid: $2,000.00, $1,000.00 Per Bottle

Lot 236. Domaine Bizot Echézeaux 2009. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93AM
Estimate: $4,000.00, Opening Bid: $2,800.00

Lot 333. Domaine Coche-Dury Corton-Charlemagne 2008. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100WA
Estimate: $6,000.00, Opening Bid: $4,200.00

Lot 267. Domaine Coche-Dury Meursault Les Rougeots 2007. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94ST
Estimate: $2,000.00, Opening Bid: $1,225.00

Lot 265. Domaine Coche-Dury Meursault Les Rougeots 2020. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94WA
Estimate: $1,300.00, Opening Bid: $950.00

Lot 317. Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Romanée-Conti 1990. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 99AM
Estimate: $14,000.00, Opening Bid: $9,000.00

Lot 325. Domaine Méo-Camuzet Vosne-Romanée 2014. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93TA
Estimate: $700.00, Opening Bid: $325.00

Lot 244. Faiveley (Domaine) Echézeaux 2010. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93+ST
Estimate: $800.00, Opening Bid: $600.00, $200.00 Per Bottle

Lot 362. Francois Bertheau Chambolle-Musigny Les Amoureuses 2013. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93AM
Estimate: $1,600.00, Opening Bid: $1,100.00, $366.67 Per Bottle

Lot 363. François Bertheau Chambolle-Musigny Les Charmes 2015. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 92AM
Estimate: $350.00, Opening Bid: $250.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 371. Jean Gros Clos de Vougeot 1993. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 350. Meuneveaux Beaune Reversées 2015. 12 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $325.00, Opening Bid: $225.00, $18.75 Per Bottle

Lot 335. Michel Gaunoux Corton Renardes 2010. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95AM
Estimate: $300.00, Opening Bid: $225.00, $112.50 Per Bottle

Lot 280. Pascal Marchand Nuits Saint Georges Les Vaucrains 2011. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 90-93AM
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $425.00, $70.83 Per Bottle

Lot 250. Rene Bouvier Gevrey Chambertin Racine du Temps Tres Vieilles Vignes 2014. 12 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93TA
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $425.00, $35.42 Per Bottle

Lot 309. Thierry et Pascale Matrot Volnay-Santenots 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $275.00, Opening Bid: $275.00, $91.67 Per Bottle

Lot 291. Vincent Girardin Pommard Les Rugiens 2005. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 89-92ST
Estimate: $110.00, Opening Bid: $75.00

Lot 480. Caves Saint-Pierre Chateauneuf-du-Pape La Mitre 2007. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00, $25.00 Per Bottle

Lot 639. Belle Hermitage 1994. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $55.00, Current Bid: $40.00

Lot 640. Bernard Faurie Hermitage (Bessards/Le MĂ©al) 2007. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93VM
Estimate: $450.00, Opening Bid: $325.00, $108.33 Per Bottle

Lot 499. Clos du Mont Olivet Chateauneuf du Pape La Cuvee du Papet 2009. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95VM
Estimate: $200.00, Opening Bid: $150.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 500. Clos Saint Jean Chateauneuf-du-Pape La Combe Des Fous 2003. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97WA
Estimate: $250.00, Opening Bid: $180.00, $90.00 Per Bottle

Lot 471. Clusel-Roch CĂ´te-RĂ´tie Les Grandes Places 2012. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 94VM
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $275.00, $137.50 Per Bottle

Lot 516. Cristia Chateauneuf du Pape Renaissance 2007. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96WA
Estimate: $130.00, Current Bid: $100.00, $50.00 Per Bottle

Lot 642. Delas Hermitage Domaine des Tourettes 2010. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96+WA
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $275.00, $91.67 Per Bottle

Lot 524. Domaine de la Janasse Chateauneuf du Pape Vieilles Vignes 2000. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97WA
Estimate: $160.00, Opening Bid: $130.00, $65.00 Per Bottle

Lot 530. Domaine de la Vieille Julienne Chateauneuf du Pape 2007. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96WA
Estimate: $130.00, Current Bid: $95.00, $47.50 Per Bottle

Lot 535. Domaine de la Vieille Julienne Chateauneuf du Pape Les Trois Sources 2010. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 94JR
Estimate: $300.00, Opening Bid: $225.00, $75.00 Per Bottle

Lot 542. Domaine du Caillou Châteauneuf-du-Pape Les Quartz 2010. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96WA
Estimate: $250.00, Opening Bid: $180.00, $60.00 Per Bottle

Lot 475. Domaine Jamet Cote Rotie 2013. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96WE
Estimate: $500.00, Current Bid: $375.00, $125.00 Per Bottle

Lot 476. Domaine Jamet CĂ´te-RĂ´tie 2012. 4 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97JS
Estimate: $1,150.00, Opening Bid: $775.00, $193.75 Per Bottle

Lot 560. Domaine Monpertuis Chateauneuf du Pape 2007. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93VM
Estimate: $100.00, Opening Bid: $75.00, $25.00 Per Bottle

Lot 478. Michel Ogier Cote-Rotie 1993. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Estimate: $70.00, Current Bid: $57.00

Lot 583. Tardieu Laurent Chateauneuf du Pape Cuvee Speciale 2007. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 95WS
Estimate: $250.00, Opening Bid: $180.00, $60.00 Per Bottle

Lot 443. Thierry Allemand Cornas Chaillot 2009. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 96RJW
Estimate: $700.00, Opening Bid: $495.00, $247.50 Per Bottle

Lot 445. Thierry Allemand Cornas Chaillot 2011. 4 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93VM
Estimate: $975.00, Opening Bid: $695.00, $173.75 Per Bottle

Lot 447. Thierry Allemand Cornas Chaillot 2012. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95VM
Estimate: $350.00, Opening Bid: $225.00

Lot 450. Thierry Allemand Cornas Chaillot 2013. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94AG
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $275.00

Lot 453. Thierry Allemand Cornas Reynard 2009. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97WA
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $750.00, $375.00 Per Bottle

Lot 455. Thierry Allemand Cornas Reynard 2011. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96JS
Estimate: $325.00, Opening Bid: $235.00

Lot 458. Thierry Allemand Cornas Reynard 2012. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98WA
Estimate: $450.00, Opening Bid: $275.00

Lot 462. Thierry Allemand Cornas Reynard 2013. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95VM
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 935. Altesino Brunello di Montalcino 2012. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 96WS
Estimate: $95.00, Opening Bid: $70.00

Lot 989. Antinori Solaia 2000. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93FM
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $350.00

Lot 990. Antinori Solaia 2001. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 18.5JR
Estimate: $500.00, Opening Bid: $350.00

Lot 991. Antinori Solaia 2002. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 90+AG
Estimate: $375.00, Opening Bid: $260.00

Lot 938. Biondi Santi Brunello di Montalcino Greppo 2001. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93WS
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $400.00, $200.00 Per Bottle

Lot 944. Casanova di Neri Brunello di Montalcino Cerretalto 2013. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98WS
Estimate: $1,000.00, Opening Bid: $750.00, $250.00 Per Bottle

Lot 966. Castello di Ama Chianti Classico Vigneto La Casuccia 2015. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 98JS
Estimate: $475.00, Opening Bid: $330.00, $110.00 Per Bottle

Lot 978. Fontodi Flaccianello Della Pieve 1998. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 93ST
Estimate: $425.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 1000. I Giusti & Zanza Dulcamara 2012. 12 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $350.00, Opening Bid: $200.00, $16.67 Per Bottle

Lot 958. Mastrojanni Brunello di Montalcino Vigna Loreto 2010. 3 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97JS
Estimate: $250.00, Current Bid: $180.00, $60.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1010. Montevertine Il Sodaccio 1988. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,400.00, Opening Bid: $1,000.00, $500.00 Per Bottle

Lot 1028. Tenuta Degli Dei Toscana Rosso Cavalli 2016. 5 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97JS
Estimate: $2,000.00, Opening Bid: $1,500.00, $300.00 Per Bottle

Lot 918. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1980. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93DM
Estimate: $600.00, Opening Bid: $440.00

Lot 919. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1988. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97WS
Estimate: $750.00, Opening Bid: $520.00

Lot 920. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1990. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94RP
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $400.00

Lot 917. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1995. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 92RP
Estimate: $550.00, Opening Bid: $400.00

Lot 922. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1996. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 94JGWA
Estimate: $1,000.00, Opening Bid: $700.00

Lot 923. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1997. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 94WS
Estimate: $900.00, Opening Bid: $640.00, $320.00 Per Bottle

Lot 926. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 1999. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93ST
Estimate: $850.00, Opening Bid: $600.00, $300.00 Per Bottle

Lot 927. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 2003. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 93VM
Estimate: $400.00, Opening Bid: $300.00

Lot 930. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 2004. 12 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 93RP
Estimate: $5,000.00, Opening Bid: $3,500.00, $291.67 Per Bottle

Lot 931. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 2010. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Score: 97WE
Estimate: $800.00, Opening Bid: $560.00, $280.00 Per Bottle

Lot 932. Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia 2020. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 97VM
Estimate: $300.00, Opening Bid: $225.00

Lot 375. Fallet-Gourron Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Extra Brut NV. 2 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $110.00, Current Bid: $120.00, $60.00 Per Bottle

Lot 391. Henriot Brut 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94WS
Estimate: $110.00, Current Bid: $90.00

Lot 392. Jacquart Mosaique Blanc de Blanc 1997. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,250.00, Opening Bid: $900.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 393. Krug Brut 1985. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100JCL
Estimate: $600.00, Current Bid: $550.00

Lot 394. Krug Brut Blanc de Noirs Clos d'Ambonnay 1998. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 99+JG
Estimate: $3,000.00, Opening Bid: $2,250.00

Lot 395. Krug Grand Cuvee Brut NV. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95WS
Estimate: $300.00, Current Bid: $230.00

Lot 397. Krug Vintage Brut 1996. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 100WSM
Estimate: $1,200.00, Opening Bid: $800.00

Lot 425. Louis Roederer Cristal 1997. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 94ST
Estimate: $600.00, Current Bid: $600.00

Lot 400. Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 1989. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98AG
Estimate: $850.00, Opening Bid: $500.00

Lot 401. Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 2004. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 99GG
Estimate: $900.00, Opening Bid: $640.00

Lot 407. Moët & Chandon Dom Pérignon Brut 1988. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 98FM
Estimate: $400.00, Current Bid: $300.00

Lot 408. Moët & Chandon Dom Pérignon Brut 2000. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 95WE
Estimate: $225.00, Current Bid: $205.00

Lot 409. Moët & Chandon Dom Pérignon Brut 2005. 1 Magnum, 1.5L.
Score: 97JS
Estimate: $375.00, Current Bid: $393.00

Lot 418. Monmarthe Millesime Premier Cru Brut 1996. 5 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,100.00, Opening Bid: $750.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 419. Nicolas Feuillatte Blanc de Blanc 1998. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,250.00, Opening Bid: $900.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 420. Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Cuvee Speciale 1998. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,250.00, Opening Bid: $900.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 421. Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Grand Cru Le Mesnil 1996. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,300.00, Opening Bid: $900.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 423. Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Millesime 1999. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,250.00, Opening Bid: $900.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 424. Perrier Jouet Grand Brut 1998. 6 Bottles, 0.75L.
Estimate: $1,250.00, Opening Bid: $900.00, $150.00 Per Bottle

Lot 429. Taittinger Artists Collection Brut 1986. 1 Bottle, 0.75L.
Score: 94RP
Estimate: $275.00, Current Bid: $190.00

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