Subject: Special Consignment Offer For Our Hong Kong Customers

Special Consignment Announcement - History Repeats Itself

In 2009, the global fine and rare wine auction market was proving robust with the United States leading the way as the largest wine auction market in the word. After lifting the import duty on wine in 2008, however, Hong Kong quickly took over the #1 wine auction market title in the world and left everyone else behind for the next three years. Then, in 2013, as the Asian wine boom softened, the United States re-assumed its position as the most important wine auction market and is now gaining as much momentum as we have seen in the auction market for some time.

Today, the US economy is arguably leading the world again after a long hiatus. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is reaching new heights seemingly every month. Thus now is the perfect opportunity to catch the 2015 gold rush and consign your wine collection to be auctioned to the highest bidder in Los Angeles, California.

Spectrum Wine Auctions would like to offer you a seamless, hassle-free opportunity to be a part of this new wave. We will handle the inventory, evaluation, packing, and shipping logistics required to properly transport your collection from Asia to Los Angeles. Now, you may be wondering, ‘how much is this going to cost me?’ The answer is absolutely nothing.

To be eligible for this offer, we ask you to consign a minimum of HKD $1.0 million. If your collection is eligible, we will fully provide our white glove service, including the proper transportation of your wine to Los Angeles for auction at no charge. And there is NO SELLER’S FEE associated with this offer.

Our next live auction will be in June 2015 in Los Angeles, California. To make the consignment deadline of Wednesday May 12, 2015 we will need to have your wine ready to ship by Thursday April 30, 2015. Please do be aware that the process will take at least one week from the start of inventory to the completion of packing, depending on the size of your consignment, so please begin to plan as early as possible.

Last but not least, we would like to re-introduce Powell Yang, who has rejoined our team as our Asia-based Consultant. Powell came back to us at the beginning of 2015 and is based in Taipei, Taiwan.
Please contact Powell Yang directly for your bespoke consignment experience.

Contact Details:
Taiwan: +886.989.922.060
Hong Kong: +852.6446.7713


不久前, 全球精品和珍稀葡萄酒拍賣市場非常穩健, 直到2009年美國仍是世界最大的葡萄酒拍賣市場, 一直引領走勢。 香港自取消葡萄酒進口關稅後, 很快就成為世界排名第一的葡萄酒拍賣市場, 從2010 年接下來三年遙遙領先於其他地方。而後,在 2013 年, 亞洲葡萄酒熱潮逐漸疲軟,  美國重奪世界第一葡萄酒拍賣市場的地位, 正如我們這段時間在拍賣市場看到的一樣並全力衝刺。

今天, 美國經濟在漫長的沉寂後, 再次處於世界領先地位。 道瓊斯工業平均指數似乎每個月都能達到新高。 因此, 現在是趕上 2015 年淘金熱的絕佳機會, 委託銷售您收藏的葡萄酒至美國加州洛杉磯拍賣給最高出價者。

Spectrum Wine Auctions 願意為您提供這一千載難逢的機會, 給您帶來流暢而無憂的體驗, 幫助您投身這新一輪的拍賣潮。 我們會將您的收藏從亞洲運到洛杉磯, 並處理好盤點、 估價、包裝和物流運輸等流程。 而現在, 您可能會想: 「我需要花多少手續費?」 答案是完全不需要。

如要享受這項優惠, 我們要求委託銷售價值不低於 100 萬港幣的葡萄酒。 如果您的收藏符合條件, 我們會免費提供全程白手套服務, 包括把您的葡萄酒妥善運送到洛杉磯拍賣。 這項優惠亦不會收取賣家佣金。

我們下一次的現場拍賣將於 2015 年 6 月, 在美國加州洛杉磯舉辦。 為保證在 2015 年 5 月 12 日 (星期三)的委託銷售截止日期前將藏品送達, 我們需要您在 2015 年 4 月 30 日 (星期四) 準備好要運送的葡萄酒。請注意, 這個過程從開始存貨到完成包裝,取決於委託銷售的數量,需要至少一個星期, 請盡早安排。
最後,讓我們再次介紹楊博為(Powell Yang)先生, 他再次加盟我們的團隊, 擔任我們亞洲區的顧問一職。 楊先生在 2015 年年初再次加盟, 現居台灣台北。
想體驗度身訂造的委託銷售服務, 請直接聯絡楊博為先生。


Corporate Office
1063 McGaw Ave, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92614
United States of America

Hong Kong Office
Room 1603, 16/F, Miramar Tower
132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone: 949.748.4845
Fax: 949.567.1360
Hours: M-F 9-5

Spectrum Wine, 1641 E Saint Andrew Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92705, United States
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