This email is going out to all the contributors to 'SImpson Protocol from the Inside'
To further promote SP and you - I would like to invite you to create with me, or pre-record, a video describing your contribution to the book. And a little about you and your work with SP and how they can contact you.
I am happy to do a video with you to create this, or as I say you can record it yourself and send it in.
Short video 15 minutes max I would suggest
The videos will be put together as a series, and the audio, from the videos, will be a podcast series - which we can promote on SoundCloud, Podbean, and the videos - well everywhere.
You can also promote your video yourself, of course
This is not compulsory ( its all about choice - right ? - lol) of course, but I think it will help you and SP.
Any questions let me know.