Subject: UPDATE: Video podcast promo for the book - SP from the inside

promoting SP Practitioners and the SP Book

Hello All

Happy New Year

This email is going out to all the contributors to 'Simpson Protocol from the Inside'

Just to update the last email.

I would like to do an interactive video with each one of you - or as many as possible - to create a video series and also a podcast series of SP'ers and the book

This does not mean you cannot do your own video - promoting yourself and the SP Book - please do, but I still would like to have a talk online video with as many of you as we can arrange.

 Short video 15 minutes max I would suggest

The videos will be put together as a series, and the audio, from the videos, will be a podcast series - which we can promote on SoundCloud, Podbean, and the videos - well everywhere.

You can also promote your video yourself, of course

This is not compulsory ( its all about choice - right ? - lol) of course, but using the book as an 'excuse' this is a good way to promote you, the book and Simpson Protocol.

Any questions let me know.

best always

Ines Simpson

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