Subject: Hypnosis - its a Spring Thing and heads up for SP Regina

April Hypnosis in Regina and More?

A couple of Hypnosis things you may have an interest in. 

One is - yes Regina, but the other is available anywhere in N.America or Skype land.

If you were looking at participating in the Live Simpson Protocol Seminar ( there only is Live , by the way) - I am teaching in Regina April 28 & 29 . This is being hosted by Heather Rodriquez
(Hypno Heather), and she is doing a great job of promoting and her students have taken most of the Early Bird seats !!

Which is great -BUT - so just to let you know that means the Price will go to the regular Price of $699 Cdn by the end of this week - if not before ( depends on availability of course).

So just a heads up for that. If you are thinking of SP Regina - save $100 and grab an early bird seat


The other Spring thing is whats called The Annual Hypnosis Spring Tune - up

2 day Tune -up /Practice/Master Mind/ Experiment/Practice/ Hypnosis Event

For the New and Experienced Hypnotherapist.

In a safe environment experiment where we will practice techniques and methods to improve and strengthen your practice. Techniques and methods - that you the participants choose.

Yes we will do Fast and Rapid Inductions, practice Regression, talk about ways to improve client attraction and retention - bit also anything else - you choose - that we can work on to improve your Hypnosis Practice.

A unique 2 day no holds barred fun and learning experience.

Brush up on old skills – learn new skills

Expand and reinvigorate your practice and perhaps even your psyche!.

Participate by Skype or in person, Parksville Vancouver Island

The structure of the 2 days flows with the class.


921B Fairdowne Rd, V9P 0B2, Parksville, Canada
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