Subject: Free Ticket to the largest online Hypnosis convention

access one of the best deals in the Hypnosis world

Hi Friend

It's back!!

13–18 of December 2022, Hypnosummit Online Convention

80+ presentations by 40+ experts on hypnotherapy

In-depth lessons on techniques for specific issues like anxiety, trauma, stress, grief, depression, burnout, addiction, fear, pain, tinnitus, fertility, self-esteem, chronic conditions,…

Topics: hypnosis with trance, hypnosis without trance, NLP, regression, EFT, EMDR, spiritual hypnosis, inductions, parts therapy,…

Hypnosummit is the largest online Hypnosis - and everything around hypnosis - convention there is.

And one of the reasons - apart from having all the top teachers and presenters in the Hypnosis world - is they give you access FREE

yes its FREE - get your ticket here   HYPNOSUMMIT ACCESS and INFO


Conventions are a great way to keep up with what's happening in Hypnosis, and the best way to learn about Hypnosis if you are brand new or exploring the possibilities of the world of Hypnosis


You can never catch every presentation in an in person Convention as there is so much going on each day.

With an online convention, you can take your time and still see EVERY orientation you choose

Its a great event and - yes it really is FREE to see the presentations - and yes you can then buy - if you choose- bonus items- videos, pdfs and all kinds of stuff!

Anyway check it outand see what you think:  HYPNOSUMMIT ACCESS and INFO

best always

Ines Simpson

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