Subject: Combining Simpson Protocol with Self Hypnosis and you get...

Live online Simpson Protocol Self Hypnosis workshop May 7th

Hi Friend

If you have ever wondered what would happen if you combined the power of Simpson Protocol with Self Hypnosis - here's a way to find out.

We are doing a LIVE online Simpson Protocol Self Hypnosis workshop - on May 7th at 10.00 am Pacific, 6pm UK time and 19.00 Euro time (CEST)


These are 3 to 4-hour workshops where you learn and practice how to use Simpson Protocol Self Hypnosis.


In one workshop you learn a complete self-care tool that lasts for life.


SP Self Hypnosis takes advantage of the deep states and powerful connections that Simpson Protocol Hypnosis uses to achieve outstanding outcomes. But here you learn how to use it for yourself.

There is a field of Scientific endeavour looking at 'Consciousness".

It states that we are, for most of our lives, locked in a feedback loop between what we call the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious/ Unconscious Mind.

But there is a "Higher Mind' that is outside of this loop. And when we are able to connect with this part of our being - then we escape the loop and can create apparent ' miracles' in our lives - think Shamans, Mystics, Zen Monks etc.

Well welcome to Simpson Protocol - that is why SP Hypnosis is so profound - we connect with what we call ( for sake of a name) the Superconscious - and it works outside the constant loop of our daily lives - and can create - let's not say miracles - let's say Great Outcomes.

And you can use this, whoever you are, by taking advantage of SP Self Hypnosis

If you are a therapist, a Hypnotist or just a plain old you - you can learn and use the SP Self Hypnosis.


Honey, the UK SP Trainer, and I will take you through all the steps you need - and then we will practice LIVE online your own SP Self Hypnosis


Who should consider this Workshop?


Anyone who wants to learn their own Self Care


Anyone who would like to have a Self Care TOOL for life


SP Self Hypnosis is for everyone and anyone, experienced or complete Newbie


SP Self Hypnosis is for everyone who wants to learn – and is open to all and any possibility


For more info and details  CLICK HERE   and there's a video of us chatting about it - have a look


Any questions let me know by replying to this email


Best always


Ines Simpson

P.S: So that every participant gets the 'full meal deal' in these workshops - we only take a limited number each workshop - check here for availability- CLASS AVAILABILITY



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