Subject: Closing Registration Friday 25th SP Self-Hypnosis Workshop

Jacquie Balogh and Ines Simpson teaching this workshop together


Don't you hate it when you get those emails:


Me too and yet here I am doing it - so apologies for that.

But I am doing it - because when we do close it down for these extremely popular workshops - there's always about 5 emails coming in -" O I missed it - when is the next one - can you not squeeze me in?"

We try to keep the classes small so we don't like squeezing - you see.

So if you were thinking of joining, participating - having some Self Hypnosis fun and learning - we are open for another day (unless we get too many and then we'll close before that)

Anyway - if you didn't see this before- this is the info on this particular workshop:

Jacquie Balogh and me, on this Saturday, March 26th at 9am PDT ( for about 3 hours) the Simpson Protocol Self Hypnosis workshop.


Now, who should consider this Workshop?

Anyone who wants to learn self-care, learn how to mitigate anxiety, stress, pain and yes boost your immune system.

And yes you can learn how to stop smoking, lose weight and anything else you can imagine your Mind doing.

Self Hypnosis is for everyone- who is open - and its the most powerful tool we have for self-care and self-worth, when learned correctly

You see.

And as with anything Simpson Protocol - everyone brings their own 'flavour' to the process. As you will discover with Jacquie and me - we even approach the simple act of SP Self Hypnosis in different fashions. Come and see the possibility.

We made a video together - have a look and see what you think

Info and Registration here:

All the best

Ines Simpson

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