Hi Friend
Ok I began my career by going to Conventions - year after year - and taking in as much as I could. I admit it
But if someone asked me - now - what's the best way to get started ?
I would say dive in depth into a Hypnosis program that covers everything you need to start your practice. The depth of Hypnosis knowledge and information. The breadth and scope of all things Modern Hypnosis offers. And most of all, everything you need to have the confidence to deal with anything and everything a client brings to you to work on.
There are only a few Trainings that cover all those bases.
And, thanks to all the input and growth we have had with SP Hypnosis - the LIVE online Complete SP Training that is offered - covers ALL those needs.
Yes - I went to lots of conventions listen to the best practitioners teaching Hypnosis at those conventions - but it didn't help me get my practice started. Lots of information - yes. But a one hour or two-hour talk - isn't a training.
I really got started when l I found a training that covered, at that time, most of what Modern Hypnosis was offering. Sadly that training never changed, and so is now, quite far behind the times.
Yes the profession of Hypnosis changes, moves forward - always. And SP, I would say, is at the forefront of Modern Hypnosis change in this era.
So - if you are thinking this year is the year to start or upgrade or really get enough confidence to increase or create a practice of therapy - consider Simpson Protocol Hypnosis LIVE online Complete Holistic training
If you are new to hypnosis or considering Hypnosis - know that SP ( Simpson Protocol)- is a complete approach to Hypnosis.
When people ask me - "so really what is SP? "
I say - 'well it's Hypnosis - the Complete Deal. A complete Holistic approach to Hypnosis.'
"What if I have never taken a Hypnosis course?"
I say - it's a Complete Inclusive Holistic approach to hypnosis. It's the Full Meal Deal as they say.
"But I have a good background - will it offer something extra for me - as an experienced Practitioner?"
"Now that I cannot answer - but from experience in pour classes, people with 20 years of experience, 10 years, 15 years - all have been able to expand what they offer to their clients. And simplify. And more importantly, because SP is a simple and extremely efficient process - they find they can get way more done in a session than they ever have.
Right now at selected trainings March and April we are offering the first 2 months of Certification FREE, as part of the training fee. Pay for one month to get the whole process.
all details here:
Certification has been called a Master Class in Hypnosis - and we are offering the Certification process at not just half price - pay for one month and get the whole 3 plus month process!
P.S, to sum up - you can get this training for half price or less right now - and still, get the almost free 3 month Certification training