Subject: Lost in the Light: 25 years of Ceasefire by the New Mon State Party

The 29th of June marks the 25th anniversary of the ceasefire by the New Mon State Party with the then military government of the State Law and Order Restoration Council. Twenty-fire years later, the NMSP is still in ceasefire with the government of the National League for Democracy today, but the peace process in the country has begun to stall badly.
    Lost in the Light: 25 Years of Ceasefire by the New Mon State Party

    A Commentary by Mi Kamoon

    Raising the Mon flag at a village school in Ye township / Photo credit Mi Kamoon

    The 29th of June marks the 25th anniversary of the ceasefire by the New Mon State Party with the then military government of the State Law and Order Restoration Council. Twenty-fire years later, the NMSP is still in ceasefire with the government of the National League for Democracy today, but the peace process in the country has begun to stall badly. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, two Mon civil society actors – Mi Kamoon and Sawor Mon – provide their own perspectives on the events of the past from the viewpoint of the Mon people. In these two commentaries, they highlight the challenges from the past and draw attention to the issues that need to be addressed for the peace process to successfully move forward. After 25 years of ceasefire, the situation in many parts of the Mon region remains one of neither war nor peace today.
    A Silver Jubilee Commemoration: The New Mon State Party’s 1995 Ceasefire

    A Commentary by Sawor Mon

    Mon leaders at the 10th NMSP Congress in 2019 / Photo credit Pone Mon

    Today marks the Silver Jubilee of the ceasefire agreement between the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the military (Tatmadaw) government of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) on 29 June 1995. This peace agreement came after 40 years of armed struggle for political and ethnic rights by the Mon people against successive central governments in the country. Founded in 1958, the NMSP is an ethnic nationality-based armed organization that is active in southern regions of the Union of Myanmar.

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