Subject: COVID-19 Home-based Care Guidelines in Ethnic Languages

COVID-19 Home-based Care Guidelines in Ethnic Languages

COVID-19 Home-based Care Guidelines in Ethnic Languages

    Myanmar is currently facing a severe COVID-19 crisis, with high infection rates but limited access to medical aid. Reliable and comprehensive information on home-based care for COVID-19 suspected cases is also not sufficiently available, especially in ethnic nationality languages.

    Therefore, in close cooperation with several ethnic-based civil society organisations, TNI has developed a number of documents for communities across the country:

    1. A short guideline for home-based care, with basic and compact messages that aim for easy and quick reference how to respond when there are suspected COVID-19 cases in the community. This basic guideline is available in Burmese and various ethnic nationality languages:



    Chin (Laimi)

    Chin (Laizo) - to be uploaded later

    Chin (Zanniat) - to be uploaded later

    Chin (Zomi)


    Kachin (Jingphaw)

    Karen (Sgaw)

    Kayah - to be uploaded later








    Wa - to be uploaded later

    2. A longer guideline in Myanmar language of home-based care targets to assist the community when medical support is unavailable and health facilities cannot be reached, with more detailed information on how to:

    • detect COVID-19 symptoms

    • isolate and care for oneself or family members if COVID-19 is suspected

    • measure temperature and blood oxygen level by pulse oximeter

    • increase oxygen levels, conduct breathing exercises and help on relieving cough with sputum

    • balance nutrition

    3. Guideline for what to do if your loved ones pass away from COVID-19 at home

    4. Frequently asked questions on COVID-19 (to be uploaded later)

    Please feel free to share these guidelines widely and use them freely.

    These guidelines are based upon various and accredited resources. It has been adapted from the publications and articles released from the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States, John Hopkins Medicine from the United States, Public Health England, and Medical Action Myanmar (MAM).


    Transnational Instituteputting ideas into movement since 1974

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