Subject: Special Sacred Touch Sessions Glastonbury

Glastonbury Tantric Temple News

Glastonbury 6th - 10th
Hello Friend,

Carole George comes to Glastonbury once a year and is offering her special modalities to Transform Your Life and Be for your experience. Between 6th -10th April

Offers a beautiful way to connect with your deeper self. Touch is the first of our senses to develop and through touch we can discover the true essence of our sacred, spiritual and sexual being. This massage is a series of sacred rituals that celebrates you in your totality; it will allow you to relax, to receive and to enjoy conscious touch. Sacred Touch Massage will help awaken an awareness of your sexual energy, the energy that is our creative life force.

This is an intense process that helps us release pain and trauma stored within the body. These traumas can be stored deep within our bodies and, over the years, we can build up layers of ‘armour’ to keep the pain hidden and prevent us from having to deal with the source. Releasing this armour allows us to transform our lives by letting go of the limitations that we have imposed upon ourselves. I can help you reconnect with yourself – this in turn will help you reconnect with others and with the joy that is available when we allow ourselves to be open to it. This can be a process of liberation and empowerment.

This works with the soul in order to bring balance and harmony back to our physical bodies. Shamanic healing is believed to be one of the world’s oldest healing practices, going back thousands of years and the processes are every bit as valid today. A shaman works between worlds, e.g. the spiritual world, in order to impact on the physical body. This work may involve an Illumination Process or an Ancestral Healing session.

  • Know yourself better and to be more comfortable in being yourself
  • Sleep better
  • Feel calmer
  • Be comfortable to be intimate with others
  • Be integrated, especially integrating sexuality comfortably into who you are
  • Enjoy life more
  • Make love rather than simply having sex
  • Find it easier to receive (can lead to far greater abundance in life)
  • Have supportive and enriching relationships

Carole can be contacted on 07876 742 059 and more information is on her website at Transform Your Life And Be

Glastonbury Tantric Temple will be Changing
Glastonbury Tantric Temple has now grown to the point where we feel it needs a change. All the things it represented  will now be transferred to All future emails from us will now represent this change. This website will  represent all things tantric in the South West of the UK. Glastonbury Tantric Temple will be relaunching in summer with focus on couples in the locval area of Glastonbury. If you do not want to receive any more mailings you can "unsubscribe" with the link at the bottom of this email.
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