Subject: Sacred Body Awakening Workshop. Glastonbury March 21st Anaiya Sophia

South West Tantra 
Sacred Body Awakening Workshop with Anaiya Sophia
21 - 22 March 2020
Women Only Workshop
21 - 22 March 2020
Glastonbury - Somerset

Hello Friend,

Sacred Body Awakening is a Women Only gathering to remember "life in the Temple" and the ways of opening, healing, longing and awakening the full feminine force within the body. This workshop will open you to what you already know is inside of you, but just needs a little push (and permission) to actually embody it. This gathering would be for those who know their sacred purpose lies in the field of Temple Work, Sacred Touch, Anointing, Soothing, Somatic Touch, Sensuality, Passion and Power to illuminate the lost and forgotten parts of people bedraggled by our time.

Our time together will include storytelling, movement, shakti-awakening and the 'presentation' of the first Sacred Body Constellation (position). This potent visual often produces deep grief as the veils that once covered this healing form of beauty begins to lift. The look and feel of this work is absolutely stunning and so often 'remembered'. This time could also be received as a Holy Initiation to yourself - if you feel disconnected and dis-heartened from your sensual, sexual self.

This work carries an Initiation. In order to receive the template of Sacred Body Awakening, we will have to dig inside to locate and ignite our Temple know-how embedded within our body. This can often be a bumpy ride, as woven around those codes are memories, some glorious, some frightening - and this is what we do together. We form a Sisterhood of strength, encouragement, deep friendship and trust - and this is the key that open's the door! Sacred Body Awakening always brings true and genuine sisterhood. Restoration of the Feminine on every level.

One of the last women to embody these teachings was Mary Magdalene. She knew the ‘ways’ of opening the body to the primal source. She knew how to love with the whole of her body in ways that not only soothed the masculine; but also rebirthed him. Sacred Body Awakening comforts the soul, softens all that is rigid within and births the genuine restoration of trust amongst women.

This journey of sensual, somatic embodiment brings us into contact with our unspeakable purity. The slowness of the touch loosens up the mind, shakes off our mask, vivifies our sacred purpose and makes real our soul memories and reason for being here. This long-awaited union of the inner and outer parts of us explodes every sense of duality, as we discover our pre-verbal awakening into a divine being. Something the patriarchy has feared for a very long time, but the Sacred Masculine patiently longs and delights after.

This time together will prepare us to receive the transmission that Anaiya carries. The purity, innocence and joyfulness of authentic wisdom are her hallmarks. By the time she has finished with you - you will be a polished representative of this Awakened Feminine Embodiment of Wisdom.

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." 
Gospel of Thomas.

The Initiation of Sacred Body Awakening will...
  • Find places and spaces within your body that were holding onto sexual trauma, heartbroken memories and rejected parts of self
  • Open to a larger field of belonging, healing, trust, love and surrender that is only possible with woman-to-woman connection
  • Learn to trust and unleash your shakti to heal, make whole and ignite power in self and others
  • Be supported by your sisters to go deeper into re-birthing your Temple Presence and ability to minister
  • Unharness your longing to heal your sexual self
  • Bring your Lilith and Eve into union with a healthy relationship
  • Push past awkwardness and "I can't do this"
  • Ignite your vulnerability by giving, opening, surrendering and trusting another
  • Be invited to Let Go…
  • Release waves of ancestral sexual dis-functioning, family secrets, taboo tendencies and shame.

Who Can Attend?

This work is open to all women, regardless of their sexual preference, age or religious/spiritual backgrounds. I know first hand how unsafe the neo-tantric community has been/is, hence creating Sacred Body Awakening. In this environment, you will be safe. The practices are clean and transparent. You will be honoured and encouraged to be self-responsible. Sacred Body Awakening includes the awakening of the voice, and the bodily awareness of your genuine yes, no or maybe.

Workshop Venue

The Goddess House Glastonbury is the perfect venue for this workshop. There is plenty of accommodation, cafes, restaraunts in the town and many things to visit in Avalon durinng your stay.

Cost & Prices

Price per woman is £195

Contact Information 

For information, booking, questions about this offer. Please visit the webpage here:

Anaiya Sophia

Anaiya Sophia is a Mystic, Storyteller and Author of Revelatory Wisdom. She teaches workshops throughout the world and is best known for the creation of Sacred Body Awakening, a practise where women and men heal together in grace. She uses her voice as medicine, to create an incandescent temple, where indescribable beauty and generations of transformation take place.

Known for showing up as a trailblazing resource of unapologetic truth and transparent courage, her heart is both fierce and tender. She carries an oral message that stirs the remembrance of a continuous lineage with the Feminine Principle that throughout the centuries has preserved its spiritual dignity, without the need for permission or recognition from any other source. Her work is three-fold. She addresses the core mutation and numerous offshoots that are ultimately generating the systemic failure of our entire planet, relationships and self. She creates gatherings where men and women can finally feel safe enough to come into contact with the embodied antidote to this insanity (Sacred Body Awakening). Lastly, she openly shares this wisdom with others who feel called to Lead, Reveal, Inspire, Bless, Comfort and Stand with others in this Light of the Golden Age.
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